Chapter 2

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The next morning (Y/N) found herself lying in Killgrave's arms. The man was still asleep as he held her. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and took the opportunity to study the man. Due to the dark and her haste, she never really got to observe the man properly. He was a handsome fella. His short brown hair right to his scruffy beard, made him look extremely hot. His body was just as much of an eye candy as his face. She was so busy admiring the man, she didn't notice his beautiful brown eyes staring at her. It was only when he spoke that she realized.

"Morning, beautiful. I assume you like what you see?" Killgrave's gravelly morning voice asked, smirking.

"Why don't you have a proper partner? Like a girlfriend or a wife? You're so handsome, I just can't fathom why you're single." (Y/N) commented as she pushed herself up on her elbow to look at him properly.

"Maybe I just haven't found the one. Would you like to be that one?" He smirked as he brought a hand to her bare waist, caressing it.

"You don't want me. I'm supposed to die soon anyway. You're better off finding someone else." She sighed and sat up properly, gathering the sheets to cover her front as she curled her legs to her chest.

"And if I want you, and I say I won't let you die?" He sat up, bringing a leg up, bent at the knee as he pivoted his body to face (Y/N), stroking her arm with his fingers.

"Then I'll leave and find someone who will. Kill me that is." (Y/N) gave him a fierce look of determination.

"Fair enough. How about another proposition? Give me a month to change your mind. If you still want me to command you, I'll do it. Till then, you do my bidding, and no more asking to die. Understand?" Killgrave said, looking at her. She turned her head to look at him, with her head leaning on her crossed arms atop her bent knees. She nodded in understanding.

"Good. Now, how are you feeling? Any soreness?" Killgrave asked tenderly.

"Just a little weird." She shook her head but said.

"Weird how?"

"Like I can still feel you in me." She softly said, hiding her face in her arms.

"That's how it is for your first time. Don't worry. It'll get progressively easier and you won't feel like that as much. Speaking of, up for another round before we have to get up?" Killgrave gave a lecherous grin, not giving her time to answer before he pulled her down on top of him, kissing her as his fingers delved between her legs, massaging her core.

"Killgrave, I'm not sure I can after last night." (Y/N) whined.

"You can, darling. Trust me." Killgrave said as he pulled her down so he could suck on her neck. He dove 2 fingers straight into her soaking pussy, causing her to moan.

"Killgrave..." She panted.

"I want you to ride me gorgeous." He whispered into her ear.

"I... Guide me. I don't know how." She keened as his fingers prodded her g spot.

"Sit up and hover over my cock. I'll guide you down, darling." He instructed and she did as she was instructed. Killgrave positioned his cock to point upwards toward her awaiting entrance, one hand on her hip.

"Lower yourself down gently." He instructed again and she lowered herself onto his cock. Killgrave watched as his cock was engulfed by her wet pussy. He placed both hands on her hips once the tip was in, slowly guiding and lowering her down onto him until she was fully seated in his lap, him fully sheathed in her tight heat. They both groaned at the sensation. Killgrave gripped (Y/N)'s hips and pulled her up and almost halfway off his cock, before lowering her back down. It took only a few times for her to get how it was done. She took the liberty to adjust herself so she could move on her own, bouncing up and down on his length. She even dared to try something she saw once during her research. She sat all the way back down, rolling her hips before pulling back up and repeating the process. She leaned forward pressing her body to Killgrave's as she rocked back and forth, letting her breasts brush against his taut chest. Killgrave was surprised at her boldness and surprising technique, and his grin grew as he placed his hands on her ass cheeks, kneading them and slapping them as she moved.

Kill Me, Love Me (Killgrave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now