Chapter 4

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A/N: This is going to be a little longer than the previous chapters...

A month had passed since (Y/N) ended up with Killgrave and almost two since she ran from home. She looked up at the decrepit building she once called home and swallowed a lump in her throat. She had bad memories of the place, but she had to end things right. She felt a hand slip into hers. She turned to look to her side, to find Killgrave holding her hand, smiling at her.

"You got this, my love. You are far braver than I ever was. I ran and never looked back. But you, you chose to be brave and end things properly. Though I still say we kill her." Killgrave looked proudly at her, then frowned.

"Kill, honey, we've been over this. She is still my mother, and I will not kill her. I won't be able to live with the guilt. I'm only going to make her forget I exist." She giggled at his frown. She found him adorable when he did it.

"You called me honey! So it seems my advances are working?" He happily grinned.

"Yes, honey. They are. Now, let's get this over with." She took a deep breath and walked into the building hand in hand, as the rode the lift up to the floor of her former home. She took another deep breath as she stood in front of the door.

"You've got this darling. I'll be here with you." He held her hand tighter and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and nodded before steeling herself and knocking on the door. It took only a few seconds before a disgruntled woman pulled open the door.

"What!? Well, look who's back. The burden. What? You finally come crawling back when you can't support yourself anymore?" The woman sneered.

"I implore you to take back everything you said." Came Killgraves voice. It wasn't a command, it was a suggestion.

"Oh? And who is this? You found a man who'd be willing to sleep with an ugly whore like you? Just what do you see in her? Are you rich at least?" (Y/N)'s mother sneered at her but looked at Killgrave like he was candy.

"You will take back everything you said about (Y/N). I love her because she is the most beautiful person in this world, who genuinely likes me for who I am. As for my income, it is of unimportance to you. But if you must know, I am somewhat within that range of what you call rich." It was Killgrave's turn to sneer as he commanded the woman.

"I take back everything I said about (Y/N)... What did you do you freak!?" The woman blankly took back her words, then stepped back in horror.

"This freak is going to be your son-in-law in the future. Too bad you won't remember it." Killgrave sneered as (Y/N) tried to hold him back.

"Kill, that's enough." (Y/N) placed a hand on his chest, trying to calm him down.

"What does he mean by that!?" (Y/N)'s mother shrieked.

"I'm sorry mom. I really am. Just so you know, I still loved you even after all the things you said to me. But I have to do this for my own sake and yours." (Y/N) sadly said to her mother, who looked horrified.

"What does THAT mean!? Are you going to kill me!? You ungrateful child! You're going to kill your own mother aren't you!" Her mother shrieked frantically.

"I'm not going to kill you Mom. I can't believe you think so low of me." (Y/N) cried and was pulled into Killgrave's arms as he glared at her mother, hugging (Y/N), but said nothing, knowing that (Y/N) had to do it herself.

"Thank you Kill. Mom, I want you to forget. Forget me. That I ever existed, live your life properly. Goodbye mom." (Y/N) sobbed as she watched her mother's eyes glaze over before clearing.

Kill Me, Love Me (Killgrave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now