Chapter 3

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It had been a week that (Y/N) had been with Killgrave and willingly did his bidding. The rest of the time, they mostly spent between the sheets. It was just another day as they awoke. Killgrave gave (Y/N) a kiss before heading to the bathroom to prepare for the day. As soon as Killgrave stepped out of the bathroom, (Y/N) prepared to get out of bed and get ready herself, when Killgrave came up to her and pushed her back down.

"It's alright darling. You can stay in for today. You've done well this past week. You deserve some rest. I'll be back later tonight." Killgrave sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her hair as she lay there, staring at him through tired eyes.

"Mmm.. Okay. Stay safe." (Y/N) nodded and gave him a smile. The first genuine one since they got together. Killgrave's heart thumped as he leaned down to give her a kiss, before standing and putting on his jacket and shoes. He turned to give (Y/N) one last look before he left for the day, to find her already back to sleep. He gave a smile before straightening his expression and heading out. It was around 5 p.m. when Killgrave stumbled through the door, bloody and limping. (Y/N), who was lazing around on the sofa in one of the negligees Killgrave had gotten her when he came in. She immediately scrambled her way to him, helping him to the sofa.

"Oh my god! Kill! What happened!?" She panicked and ran around gathering medical supplies and tissues before scurrying back to him, kneeling in front of him to assess the damage.

"That damn Jessica Jones. She found me and tried to kill me. Again." Killgrave angrily growled.

"The one you were telling me about?" (Y/N) asked as she grabbed a piece of cotton, saturating it with disinfectant and cleaning his wounds. Killgrave had told her about Jessica just so she'd be weary of her.

"Yes. Her. I see you're wearing one of the things we got from the lingerie store." Killgrave grinned as he saw her in the sexy outfit while wincing as she cleaned up his wounds.

"I thought you'd like it if you saw me in it when you got home." She shrugged concentrating on cleaning his wounds and bandaging them.

"I do. Like it I mean." Killgrave leaned down and pulled her face up so he could kiss her.

"Kill, there's blood on your lips." She said as she tasted the metallic liquid in her mouth.

"Then lick it clean for me" Killgrave smirked and she leaned up, licking the blood off his lips. They kissed again, letting the blood mix with their saliva before (Y/N) swallowed.

"Blood does NOT taste good. I wonder how vampires can like it so much." (Y/N) stuck out her tongue from the unpleasant taste. Killgrave laughed at her statement, letting her finish dressing his wounds. Once she was done, he pulled her into his lap, groping her.

"You're injured Kill." She protested.

"But my cock is perfectly fine." He chuckled, still feeling her up through the negligee.

"Ugh. Fine. Stay still." She rolled her eyes and started doing all the work. Killgrave just sat back and enjoyed the ride, all the more happy to watch the show called (Y/N) as she bounced on his lap.

A few days had passed since the incident and Killgrave was taking (Y/N) out to his favorite restaurant on a date. Everything was going swimmingly when as they were taking a stroll in the park after their meal, they bumped into Jessica. Killgrave spotted her and tried to run, pulling (Y/N) along, but Jessica was faster. She caught up to him in a moment, beating him up..

"Is she your latest victim? I knew you were still alive somewhere. Now you're tormenting another innocent girl? I will not stand for that Killgrave! I will kill you!" Jessica threw punch after punch as Killgrave helplessly tried to defend himself, knowing his commands didn't work on her. (Y/N) stood there in shock and tried to get Jessica to stop, but she wouldn't listen. Only pushed (Y/N) away when she came close. (Y/N) sobbed and she couldn't take it anymore.

Kill Me, Love Me (Killgrave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now