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is the legal name necessary? absolutely not. but that isn't the point.

i feel like sometimes i feel delusional.

i remember it all too well.

JUNE 25TH, 2024! : when i planned to tell you i was leaving.

i remember it like this. i enter your house, shaky, as chris greets me at the door. i tremble as i walk past your kitchen and i enter your room and i planned it all out in my head. each word i wanted to say before leaving.


"matt, you mean the world to me and it pains me to say this, but i have to go new york for a little. i don't know how long but pap's getting worse. i'm sorry its so abrupt because i really care about you. i love you."

but it didn't work. i never got the moment to say it. i entered and you started bombarding me with affection and made small talk. you said you were on fire. you said you loved me. and how can i leave someone i love?

i loved you, matt. and i'm sorry i still left you in the end. it was black and white, and i couldn't stay forever.


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