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dear matt,

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dear matt,

i don't know where this story ends, but it'll always have the same conclusion. no matter who i end up growing old with, there'll always be a part of me who loves you.

there's no doubt that i don't regret my actions, the place we stand could've been way different yet here we are.

no matter how many times i replay myself leaving again and again, all with different endings, i feel like the way i did was okay enough. i should've changed things but my dad needs me. you would've been okay with me leaving. i know that. i think maybe it was all too sudden and too much for either one of us to handle.

one day i'll reach out. to say hi, apologize, rekindle friendship maybe. that may be tomorrow, that may be in sixty years from now. the only way we'll find out is to live each day one by one.

pap says hi though.

yvette. (etta <3)

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