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The force of the arrival storm in  a Raizada's life left a permanent scar to be remembered. Knowing the situation and condition of her son and the demise of another left Dadi total heartbroken ,but this time the only difference was her strength was also lying on the hospital bed sedated not knowing the condition of his family.

Which was his doctors instruction for stress wasn't good for him at the moment. Khurana's and Maliks were great help at that moment especially with the absence of the eldest son and the father. In two weeks every ritual of Mahesh Chachu was completed and he was laid to rest.

Later Dadu was permitted to go home when his doctor was sure he was stable not before giving strict instruction to Dadi. Even though Dadu was relieved he didn't fail to realize the absence of his sons and pained eyes of his beloved. He question about his sons remembering about what transpired which led him to the hospital but every time she diverted him which he was aware but let it pass seeing her pained look.

They arrived in RM which gave him a different vibe unlike before  and even the atmosphere surrounding it gave him the warm feeling but he brushed it off. Though he had a lot of questions to ask especially after not seeing his sons around but due to exhaustion he gave in to his body demand.

A day later, Dadu summoned his lawyer in RM  where he changed his will disowning R.Mami and prohibiting her from using Raizada name from then and so was Anjali who was replica of her mother.

But what surprised him was Dadi not intervening when he was cutting off R.Mami which was unlike her. Other side Papa's face due to the damage he incurred and the broken nose during the accident a plastic surgery was to done on him next day.

Dadu had a lot of questions yet he didn't know who'l provide answers to him. By now he was aware the maid who was in cohoot with Ratna has disappeared and the absence of his family members has started eating him up.

Though today unlike other days he was prepared to get answers from Dadi. He woke up with Dadi's absence beside him which wasn't new from the moment he returned from the hospital. He headed downstairs expecting to find her there but the living room was empty.

He didn't see anyone around to question about her until he heard murmur emerging towards his left side. Being curious he headed towards the direction where he saw the two familiar maids whispering between them.

He turned back but on remembering the absence of Dadi,he was to question them which didn't happen as he heard the name of his son being mentioned. He stood silently waiting to hear what was to be said but he was shocked on learning surgery was being done on Papa unknown to him.

He felt hurt , astonished and heartbroken the more he stood there hearing the conversation especially learning the demise of his youngest son and what befall another due to that one day.

Nothing else reached his ears for only what he heard shock him. He stumble back holding his chest in pain as he tried to steady himself which was impossible for the pain grew more intense and he fall down in a thud.

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