Summer with Dad Contest (Closed)

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Description: In honor of the Summer Solstice and Father's Day on June 21st, write a short story about a Middle Earth father/child duo on a summer's day! (ex: Thranduil and Legolas, Gloin and Gimli, Elrond and Arwen, etc)

Start date: Wednesday June 17th

End date: Wednesday June 24th 11:59 PM EST


-First place winner will receive votes and a shout out from the LOTR Fan Fic Rec account. Second and Third place winners will also receive a shout out. All three winners will be added to a reading list on this account!

-Winners will be announced Thursday June 25th


-The judges will be @gorlogsbeard and @themajesticmoose (the managers of this account)

- Judging will be based on creativity, writing ability, and if it follows the description of this contest.

To enter: Please paste a link to you story in a comment below. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO ENTER.


- One entry per person (or collaboration)

- Your entry should be a short story. There will be no word limit, but please, keep it reasonable.

- Your story must feature a Middle Earth father/child duo on a summer's day!

- You have one week to enter.

Good luck to all!

This contest had ended.

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