Chapter-25 Our Freya?

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Steve's POV
Outside the Hydra base:
We all got into our positions. "Wanda, Pietro and Bucky will go in as they already have knowledge about the place, the rest of us will have to stop all those Hydra agents from informing anyone inside that we are here" I said to everyone

"How will they get inside?" Nat asked "There is a secret door to the left of the base, we can get in from there" Pietro replied "Alright then get in, be vary and get Freya out safely" I said to them

"Be safe guys" Nat said to them "Don't worry doll, we'll be fine" Bucky replied and she smiled. They nodded and started to get into the base "The rest of us are going to fight. Remember we are not only saving Freya, we are taking down Hydra, once and for all" "Whatever it takes" Nat replied

Bucky's POV
Pietro, Wanda and I got inside the base and started making our way to the chamber where they used to lock me up "Do you think she will be here?" Wanda asked me "This was where they locked me up so maybe" i responded

"What if they already toke her in?" Pietro said to me "Yeah, they could've already toke her in for the brainwashing" Wanda agreed "Well it's a good thing that the place where they do the brainwashing is right next to the cells. Let's go" I said and as we were heading towards the place, Wanda suddenly screamed.

Pietro and I immediately turned around and saw Wanda on the floor and Freya was behind her "Wanda, are you okay?" Pietro knelt beside Wanda and tried to wake her up "She is knocked out cold, she is not getting up anytime soon" Freya cackled "Freya, is that you?" I asked scared

"Oh no, the Freya you are referring to is inside me screaming and crying to get free. I'm the better one just like how the Winter Solider was yours" she smirked and blasted me across the room.

Just then Pietro got up and ran towards her and tried to grab her but she knocked him out too "Pierce told me you were fast but he didn't mention that you were dumb" she scoffed and I slowly tried to get up

"Freya, can you hear me! You have to get out! Fight her!" I yelled trying to get to her "She is trying very hard to get out but I won't let her" "Freya?" We both turned around and saw Steve "Oh, it's the lover boy" she smirked

"Steve, get away from her! It's not Freya" I yelled to him but he didn't listen "Freya, it's me, it's Steve. Please, come back" he said "He tried the same thing but it didn't work and it won't work now" she replied and started fighting with Steve.

I joined to help him but she was too powerful and in no time, she knocked us down. Just then the rest of the Avengers came "Yes, more fun" she said happily "Sister, is that you?" Loki asked "Oh no sweet Loki, the Freya you are referring to is inside me screaming and crying to get free. I'm the better one"

"Pierce is dead we will get our sister back" Thor said "Oh, you think just because you killed him that you can kill me too. Small reminder, you kill me you kill your precious Freya too" she snapped back

"Then we will get her back" Thor said. Just then Wanda got up and knocked her down from the back "Let's get her to the compound first" "You take her back, we will take down Hydra once and for all before they do any more damage" I said

"Barnes is right, Wanda and Nat take her back and lock her up, we'll finish the mission and get back" Tony told them, they nodded and started carrying her to the quinjet.
Author's note: Were the Avengers too late to save Freya? Can they get their Freya back? Will they stop Hydra once and for all?

                     Read on to find out and don't forget to vote 💜

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