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For a long time, mafias throughout the world ran their own countries. However, as time went on many of them became power hungry wanting more, resulting in the deaths of innocent citizens. 

This lead to the rise and collapse of several Mafias seeking greater power. This enabled the establishment of several alliances, with many mafias forced to choose sides in order to maintain their position of power. As a result, treaties were created, causing conflict to erupt, which ended up lasting thousands of years from generation to generation, with rivalry of the mafias for each other remaining for future generations to resolve.

This lasted until a new generation of leaders arose and devised a solution: an underground monarch, one who was feared by all, the one with the greatest power, the most ownership, and the most trusted to do the right thing. The underground king was assigned the task of governing and controlling all of these other mafias in order to safeguard innocent civilians and ensure that a conflict like this never occurs again, ensuring they are hold accountable.

However, suspicion grew as to who would be the selected one to lead, the chosen one who would raise the next generation to govern the underground society, to ensure peace and the absence of violence. 

This title was bestowed upon the feared and all-powerful Arab mafia Don, who ruled over the whole Middle East. Malik Mansour was his name. The mafias agreed that this title would only be passed down through his blood line, with the condition that if this blood line is unable to conceive a child, the mafias will convene and decide on a new underground royalty. 

The next and most essential requirements was that the next heir had to be 25 years old in order to take the crown. 

However, during the 20th generation of the Mansour family, the Russian mafia became greedy and wanted to acquire this for themselves, so they organised an assault on Abbas Mansour's son....Ali Mansour and his beloved wife. Ali was the legal heir and was supposed to take over the following year, but he died protecting his daughter and her identity. No one in the underground world knew he had conceived a child.

Abbas took the initiative after that and has been secretly preparing her to be the next underground Queen. There has never been a female underground royalty, and nothing in the rules says there can't be. He was not going to let his bloodline perish, so he trained her to be unstoppable and without remorse as retaliation for the world taking away his son. He built a killing machine that will take over when she is ready.

Before Abbas died, the underground world was up for the taking, but before his death, he revealed that there is a bloodline heir who will rise and take over once ready, causing the underground world to go dormant.

This allowed many mafias to breach the rules because no one was there to hold them accountable. Treaties were broken and wars were fought for the sake of power, and greed was visible throughout the mafias because they could now be controlled, resulting in mass damage. Many are looking for their successor in order to kill the child before they reach the age of 25 and take control.

Since then, the underworld royalty tree has remained dormant, with many in the underground preparing for the return of the heir to take over and mend the treaties that were broken, waiting for the conflict to end.

They are waiting for the child to return 


Authors Message

Hello, cuties. Prologue is completed i hope i made it intresting. Tell me your thoughts so far. I hope your having a good day or afternoon wherever you are.

(628 words)

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