ACT 2 - Chapter 7

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This is one of your best memories. Simple, yet so impactful. Something that you would describe as a core memory.

Life was so much simpler back then. Less chaotic, less magical and so much more understanding.

You let out a satisfied sigh as you plop down on the couch outside on the porch. It's summer and the one-month vacation with your parents is honestly your favorite time of the year.

For the last 5 years, you have come to this old lodge cabin far away in the mountains. It's nothing fancy, it's old and it could use some renovations but you love how homey and cozy it feels. It has personality and you like it.

Your dad says that touching grass and spending time in nature is a blessing and should be treasured. And you can't say he is wrong, can you?

While they have taken the car to go down the forest at the base of the mountain for some stuff they need to bake a pie, you were left on the porch. It's already getting dark and the small wind bells chime softly against the wind.

"So peaceful..."

You yawn. For a strange reason, sitting outside, on the floor, or even propped on a tree branch and listening to the rustling of leaves, occasional caws, and the wind is so relaxing that it automatically lulls you to sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep from time to time or staying asleep, in moments like those, you wish you could listen to sounds like these. They ground you to earth and make you feel as if your spirit is free. Shivers run down your spine and goosebumps rise on your skin as a stronger gush of wind comes around your house.

Gradually, you feel your eyelids become heavier and the fluttering of the bat's wings start to become more distant. Your head slowly slides to the side and then follows your body and you end up being half asleep on your side.

Your mind goes to the pie your parents plan on baking. You can already imagine them approaching you with a slice and asking you to eat some while you all sit in silence on the porch and stargazing.

There are a few tears running down your cheek and you don't notice them until they turn cold while still hanging on your face.

It's so peaceful I want to cry.

You don't even pay any mind to the car arriving, the engine stopping. You don't pay any mind to steps coming closer to your body or the blanket carefully put on top of you. Your mind is already going dark and all of your muscles relax.

"May the stars watch over you, my sweet child."

The soft kiss on the temple is what seals the deal. You fall asleep with a soft smile on your face.


In this one, your parents took you to Disney Land to see your favorite character, ride on the attractions, and pet Mickey Mouse, who at the time, you didn't know was just a man in a costume (you knew but denial was strong). You were barely 6 and you had two front missing teeth and 3 other bad teeth caused by the high amount of sugar you snuck into your bed late at night.

You had fun on the carousel and snuck a rat inside the hotel room that you found when you wanted to go to the bathroom. The poor creature was sitting on the toilet seat with beady wet black eyes and those two front paws positioned in the front almost like a prayer. You could see its chest moving rapidly and right then and there, you fell in love with it. Your dad was the one taking you to the bathroom so when you asked if you could keep the rat, he just couldn't say no. He was just as in love with it as you were. As you and your dad were the only ones fawning over it, you ended up bringing it home with you by sneaking it inside your strawberry-shaped backpack.

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