fucking duck

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(Same day taekook)

Taehyung's mood was Ruined. He hated every class and everyone on his way but he was quiet.

But what was strange was, it was not because of yoongi. Jungkook. He was the one playing in his mind and him standing with bogum just planted something in his chest and it burns.

After school Jungkook walked out of school to tae's car but then he was held by his wrist harshly.

"Ouch! Tae-" He tried speaking but tae held him by his waist and kisses him roughly and Jungkook did not like that so he pulled back. "What's wrong with you!" He shouted caressing his lips. Tae was breathing heavily then he moved closer to Jungkook holding him by his wrist again.

"Follow my car and don't you dare go another way." Tae said in a deep raspy voice and Jungkook felt shivers go down his spine.

Tae walked off and Jungkook stood there for a second thinking then quickly went to drive seeing tae go past him.

They reached tae's house and tae looked a lot calmer cause he took deep breaths before he got out of the car.

Jungkook walked up to him quickly and pointed a finger at him.

"Look. I don't know what the hell or who the hell but don't take it out on me I-" he stopped talking when tae leaned on his shoulder with a sigh.
Tae held him by his waist pulling him closer softly with another sigh. "Kim."

"Please. Call me tae." Tae said and it came out as a whisper but Jungkook heard and he could swear his heart did a flip. He closed his mouth and looked at tae. Tae was pouting with eyes closed and holding Jungkook so closely you'd think Jungkook would run away. To jungkook's eye he looked cute?

"I'm hungry." Tae said and it came out as a whine. Jungkook let out a breath and tae looked up kissing kook's neck sending butterflies to attack his stomach. "Let's go." He said in a child like tone with a giddy smile and Jungkook couldn't help but smile as they walked inside.

"Now sit down and let chef V make you an exquisite meal." Tae said settling Jungkook down on the island chair. Jungkook scoffed then rested his face on his hands.

"I'm already drooling." Jungkook said with the roll of his eyes and tae chuckled.

Tae wore an apron and took out some ingredients that some kook didn't know then started cooking. Kook watched carefully and there was a glint in his eyes and a butterfly that rested in his stomach. Tae looked hot cooking. He has to admit and he is drooling frl.

"So where did you learn cooking?" Kook said trying to create a conversation.

"My mother taught me. She was a chef. Let me rephrase a master chef. She could make anything delicious even when it's not good and she just has that secret ingredient that I don't even know of." Tae said with a smile then it fell knowing "Now I'll really never get to know it." He said with a sad smile and Jungkook saw that then felt bad cause he started it.

"I'm- hey maybe you just need to think deeply." Jungkook said not wanting to say sorry cause he knows that people who lost someone hate that.(not all people I know but most people around me are like this)

"Think? How?" Tae asked cutting the carrots to pieces and Jungkook picked one and munched on it.

"Like what could be missing? When you cook. After adding all the ingredients she adds what else is there? Something like that I think?" Kook said enjoying his carrot. Tae looked up at him thinking then chuckled.

"Maybe." Tae said with a smile and kook smiled too.

"You know you're cute right?" Jungkook said unconsciously. Tae looked up then blushed.

"No I'm not I'm handsome." Tae said trying to justify himself.

"Who says you can't do both?" Jungkook said then leaned in kissing his cheek. He caressed his cheek looking into his eyes and he felt a spark between them. They both did.

"Are you.... Flirting with me?" Tae said with a smirk putting down his knife.
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Am I?" He replied then tae kissed him softly. There was a feeling in that moment that made both their hearts happy. Tae held kook's cheek and sighed as he pulled away and Jungkook felt disappointed as he groaned.

"I have to cook remember?" Tae said with a pout and Jungkook moves away with a sigh.

"You're boring." Jungkook said munching on his carrots that tae put aside for him.

"Not more than you tho." Tae replied.

"Wanna test that theory?" Jungkook said boldly.

"Watch out you might lose your dignity." Tae said back and Jungkook scoffed with a smirk.

"It might be the opposite. YOU losing your dignity I swear if I didn't like your dick in my ass you'd be squirming around asking me to fuck you seven days a week and I can sense that that day is arriving soon." Jungkook smirked feeling proud of his words when tae blushed roughly. "You might even be shouting fuck me kook~ oh Daddy~" Jungkook said and tae groaned.

"Shut up!" Tae shouted and Jungkook just laughed louder.

"Faster jungkookie yeah~"

In a minute tae picked up kook from the other side and put him on the counter.( Don't ask how)

"Woah you a strong daddy." Jungkook said with a wider smirk as he pulled tae by his legs.

"Stop that Jungkook or I swear-"

"Fuck me. Hard. I want you slamming in me with no end as I cum a million times. And when you're done..... I want you to ride me." Jungkook smirked and tae kissed him roughly.

They heard a phone ring behind them and Jungkook mumbled 'ignore' holding tae tightly grinding on him.

"Koo~" tae said trying to pull away and Jungkook groaned. 

He picked up his phone and it turns out it was his mother calling for a family dinner.

He hung up with a smile but it wasn't sincere. Don't get him wrong, he's just horny.

"See why I told you ignore?" Jungkook said getting off the counter.

"Wait your going now?" Tae asked and kook nodded.

"Maybe next time taetae!" He shouted from the door waving and tae's heart skipped a beat.

'what is happening to me? Taetae♡ cute.'- tae thought with a giddy smile- wait. What's that sme-

"Fucking duck!!" Tae shouted switching off the stove but don't worry you can still eat it and he's still a good chef.

Dang 😔 we almost had a top kook.

But anyway I hope this is fluff or whatever cause I know-
I feel like downgrading the smut a little and adding some Cherries. What do you think 🤔?

Love you all

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