Chapter 17

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Wow, he always has to have the last word, right? He's always been like that. Stubborn too. I guess when we were younger though it didn't matter. I would just hook up with my best friend or go to the mall shopping. We wouldn't be off with each other for long and the making up was so much fun. Yeah, let's not think about that right now.

I'm way too mad at Logan. And why did he have to come and follow me in any case? So annoying. Like I wasn't pissed off at him before, well now I'm really mad at him.

Even though it is summer here in Virginia it is milder and in this ridiculous short dress – yes, exactly what was I thinking wearing this to the Lazy Duke. I feel like a complete idiot. I'm starting to feel the chill, it must be close to ten p.m. Time to go back to my folks, I hope they don't ask me about my evening and they're in bed already.

Mom and dad usually hit the hay around this time. Dad is an early riser even though he's pretty much retired he loves to get up early and potter around. He's one of the last people I know who still reads a good old fashioned newspaper. He'll take a nice cup of coffee up to mom and when I used to live at home, he'd always bring me one up to. The thought of a nice coffee first thing tomorrow morning does bring a small smile to my face. Only a small one though after Logan coming to find me.

It's quiet when I get in. Ali has messaged again to see if I'm okay. I've told her of course I am but I refrained from telling her about Logan coming to find me. She's only going to try and play match-maker and he is the last person I want to be with. In fact I don't want to be with anybody right now. It still upsets me that Miles decided to head off to London without so much as batting an eyelid about the fact that we'd been together for ten years. Ten. Whole. Years

My feet feel so much better now that I've slipped my high heels off and the floor feels warm underfoot. "Hey there, Honey did you have a good evening?" Shit. My mother's voice scared the hell out of me.

"What are you still doing up?" I make my way into the kitchen. "And why are you sitting in the dark?"

"I was waiting up for you of course."

"Mom, I'm way passed thirty, you don't need to wait up for me. I'm not a young child anymore and in the dark, seriously?" She lets out a low giggle.

"There's something very peaceful about sitting in the kitchen in the dark and just listening to the house. I find it therapeutic." Well, that just sounds like nonsense to me but each to their own.

Instead, I put the light on and turn the know to adjust the brightness so as not to completely blind my mother. "There that's better." I say and pull a chair out next to her around the square, distressed pine table. It's homely and I recall doing a lot of homework here in this kitchen. With Logan. Damn it. I can't get that man off my mind.

"It was okay, Mom. Ali has a crush on Marshal Deacon. It's cute. Do you think they'll get together?" Mom gets up and reaches in the fridge for a large carton of milk, then a cupboard near the stove for a tub of dark chocolate powder. Mmm, I love my Mom's homemade hot chocolate.

"Well they've been chatting for many years and I know she really likes him. I hope so, Darling. He is a good man, so kind and generous. I think he's just a bit shy."

"It's not the eighteen hundreds anymore, she can ask him on a date you know." I place my elbows on the table and rest my chin on my hands whilst mom stirs away on the stove. The smell of hot chocolate begins to fill the kitchen. Lovely.

"I think she'd rather wait for him to ask her. I know Ali isn't exactly backward at coming forward, but she's a bit old fashioned like that. Anyway, enough about Ali. Did you see Logan?" And here we go, how did I know that was coming. My mom never really liked Miles very much, she always said he was a bit stand offish, arrogant and not the right match for me. Well he must have been at some point because I spent ten years of my life with him. And no, I don't consider it a waste of my life or the last ten years. We had some amazing times, I can't simply sweep them under the carpet.

Mom places my mug of hot chocolate in front of me and reaches for the glass vintage jar on the island holding the marshmallows and drops a few in my mug. This is perfect.

"Yes, I saw him. He was playing on stage. And he chose to play some romantic bull..." I stop myself before swearing in front of my mother. "Rubbish all the while looking at me. What's that all about? He can't stand the sight of me since I left him. You'd think he'd get over it."

"Ah, so you were looking at him all the while then, to notice. I mean." Okay, so my mom does have a point. "Time can heal, Sage. Maybe he sees things differently now he's grown up now. Logan is a fine young man, he's head of the practice now which by the way is looking for a new doctor. So whilst you're searching perhaps give it a go." I almost choke. My mother has got to be kidding me right? She knows exactly how much I do not want to be anywhere near Logan.

"Are you okay, Honey. Did I say something?" Like she doesn't know. My mother would love it if I got back together with Logan. She'd paint a white picket fence, start knitting booties for babies, cardigans and matching hats. I place a hand to my forehead. I think I'm getting a fever and need to leave the kitchen immediately before she continues.

"I'm not intending on staying here, Mom. I made it perfectly clear before I arrived this is just a short stop gap. I'm looking for State hospitals to work in not the little practice here in Willowbrook. God help me. I can't see myself dealing with the likes of the old folk in this town or the kids for that matter and as for the gossip mongers, they'd have a field day. Bit City slicker like Sage now down to earth with a bump having to stay here in Willowbrook." I stand up, I'm ready to end the conversation.

"I don't think anyone would see it quite like that, Sage. Everyone would welcome you back with open arms. I don't think you quite realize how much people missed you. I often talk about you and most folk want to know when you're going to come to your senses and move back home for good." Her voice is soft and gentle. I feel mean.

"Night, Mom." I give her hug and kiss on the cheek then extract myself from my mother's tight embrace and head off upstairs shaking my head. I know she and dad would love me to stay here but I can't. I'm not built for this small-town. I never was or why else would I have gone all the way to Michigan? And as for working alongside Logan, I'd rather eat dust. Although on the other hand, I do need a job and I need one asap because there is no way I want to eat too much into my retirement fund or savings.

Needless to say it's going to be another night for me without much sleep as I lay awake thinking about money, being back home in my old bedroom and Logan.

I sigh as I pull the duvet up and over my head, like that's going to stop my mind from whirring. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now