Chapter 26

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I have checked with the crew and they have assured me that Dr Sage Bennett is in fact nicely tucked up back at her parents' house. I let out a sigh of relief. They have been extremely responsive and I make a note to ensure I buy Samuel a beer at some point.

Hector has fallen fast asleep outside the cabin under one of his favourite trees, I can hear him snoring from where I am sitting on my bench outside on the porch. It's been quite a day and to be honest I am spent from running back down the mountain in the blazing heat. But now it's nearly seven in the evening and the sky has started it's magical prowess changing gradually from dusk to an awaiting dark night with a sky full of stars.

Sitting out here on my own with Hector is as peaceful as it gets and I relish it. Sage is, however playing on my mind. I wonder if she'll get off her stubborn high horse streak and fill the position at the practice. I couldn't think of anyone I'd trust more to work alongside me. Even if it appears it's only going to be a while.

Hector's legs move in rapid succession as he lays on the floor. I whistle a few times to bring him out of his dream. He grunts and carries on snoring. To be that damn dog would be a mighty fine thing.

I need to shower and consider going over to Lazy Duke's. Being a Saturday I would ordinarily play a set. A car engine breaks the silence I was enjoying.

"What you up to, loner?" It's my sister as cheery as ever. Her hair tied up in a high pony and wearing shorts that are so short, my immediate reaction is to send her home to get changed. Daisy will be Daisy and has a mind of her own.

"Not much, enjoying the peace and quiet until you turned up." I tell her and smile. Daisy makes her way over and sits beside me on the bench.

"Heard you ran up against a bit of trouble on the trail." She looks intently at me. I know what she is trying to do. Get some gossip but there ain't none to tell. Not right now anyway but I'm working on it. Despite the fact that it was the last thing on my mind only yesterday.

"Not really. Just a hike like any other time." She raises her eyebrows and shuffles her cowboy clad feet on the ground in front of her.

"Not what I heard."

"Really? Well, I can assure you miss Nosey there ain't no gossip from just Hector and I on a trail walk. The poor fella is out with the fairies."

"Oh, come off of it, Logan. The helicopter went up today and the whole town knows it was for Sage." That's not going to please her one little bit. I can't wait for that fallout to happen. I can only imagine Sage is now spitting feathers that the entire population of Willowbrook knows she was airlifted back home. Lordy, Lordy. Glad I'm sitting up here by my cabin and not in the house with her and the folks. It brings a slight smile to my face.

"Rumor has it, you and Sage were out walking together." Daisy crosses her arms in front of her chest. I laugh. "What's so funny hey, Logan? Is it true? Have you two started to kiss and make-up?" Now my younger sister is clapping her hands together like a five year old.

"No, we have not kissed and made-up. Honestly, Daisy I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here."

She shrugs. "Well Deb's says that Samuel had to go pick her up after you just left her up on top of the mountain." I raise my eyebrows, any more and they'd be touching my hairline.

"He said what?" God, the rumor mill has been working over-time. Clearly. "I did no such thing."

"Ah, so you were up there and out walking with her then? And, did anything happen?" I scrunch my eyes together. "You know," she continues. "Like anything romantic. Tell me you kissed her." Jeez. My sister sure has an overactive imagination.

"I did not kiss Sage, okay. And I did not leave her on top of a goddamn mountain. We agreed I would run down for help so neither one of us had to be close to the other stuck in Bryce's cabin." I huff and fold my arms in front of my chest. "Now why don't you hurry on back to town and put the record straight miss gossipmonger. Whilst you're at it, you best go home and put some pants on. Catch your death dressed like that." Daisy sticks her tongue out at me, I so want to pull it right out of her mouth. Some things never change.

"You are such an old wart, you know that Logan. Besides, I'm off to Lazy Duke's tonight and shouldn't you be playing? To be clear then, you were a fool and didn't make a move on Sage?"

Exasperation hits me, "I told you already now zip it and get out of here. I've a shower to have and get my ass over to the bar." I do not tell her that I have offered Sage a job at the practice. It'd be round Willowbrook in seconds and by the end of the Chinese whispers, story would have it that I'm putting a ring on her goddamn finger.

Yep, that's what it's like living in a small town. You only have to look twice at a girl and they've married you off, bought you the house with the white picket fence and started to name your babies and their babies. If I wasn't so hacked off that they're saying I abandoned Sage up on the mountain, it'd make me smile.

"Suit yourself big bro. You best be playing some happy-clappy music tonight, none of that love sick nonsense you played the other night. I may just pay Sage a visit myself and see if she fancies hobbling over with me."

"You will do no such thing, Daisy. Stop meddling in business that is nothing to do with you. By the way, how is Marshal Deacon doing?" At least Daisy has the decency to blush, she crosses her arms in front of her chest and cocks her head to one side.

"Well that's just none of your business, Logan. But rest assured. When he puts a ring on my finger, I'm going to be shouting it from the tree tops." Her face lights up and her smile couldn't be wider. I sure hope it works out for her, only they're taking it so slow over the years that they haven't even got to the date stage. I could be ninety at this rate before I see any nieces or nephews coming my way and I kind of am really looking forward to that.

With that Miss-Gossip-Pants stands up and nods her head at me. "Catch you at the bar later."

·"Get changed first, Daisy." My voice is stern. She flips her finger at me. Nice, real damn nice. Since when did she become so goddamn stubborn. I think it's the water round these parts, it's not just Sage but it's Daisy too.

I stroke my chin feeling the stubble. Should I shave it? Nah, it'll do for tonight besides the ladies love it. One lady in particular – even though I know she'll be safely tucked up on her bed tonight or on her parent's sofa.

As I go back inside I whistle for Hector, he gets up and shakes himself then saunters over to me. We head inside the cabin together. I'll have a shower, feed us both then head over to the bar. I wonder if I ought to go and pay Bennett a visit. Hector whines. "You're right boy, she'd probably send me off with a flea in my ear."

I stroke the smattering of curls on his head and feed him. Tonight would definitely not be a good night to go and visit Sage Bennett. It does bring a smile to my face, however, imaging just how mad she is right now. She always was a firecracker and so damn hot when she was angry.

My dick pulses. I rearrange myself and chastise myself for even having these thoughts, but you know. What can I say? For some unknown reason, my feelings are coming to the fore. Now all I have to do, is convince her.

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now