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𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

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𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Y/n and Kokichi walked in the A/V room with their arms linked, flinching in surprise when Gonta suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

❝Wait! Gonta not murder anyone!!!❞ Gonta panicked, sweating too much that it was concerning.

❝I told you... We're not saying you did it. We just want to talk--❞ Kaito was saying before he was cut off by mini pekka.

❝No... it's him alright. He's got the face of a killer.❞ Himiko intervened.

❝And you've got the lips of a donkey.❞ Y/n said with a unamused face as Kokichi laughed out loud beside him. The three turned to the duo, slightly surprised to see them both here.

❝Oh, Y/n! Listen, we we're just trying to ask him--❞ Kaito was cut off once again.

❝Nyeeh... Just tell us while we're still asking nicely. Are you the culprit or not? Or... are you not not the culprit? Are you not not not the culprit?--❞

❝Donkey's don't talk, bitch!!❞ Y/n shouted, hearing a gasp from behind. They turned around, only to come face-to-face with Kaede and Shuichi. Kaede was just looking at Y/n with an angry look while Shuichi sweatdropped beside her.

❝Y/n. No swearing.❞ Kaede warned.

❝Is she like your mom or something now? Nishishi~❞ Kokichi whispered, earning a low scoff from Y/n.

❝What's happening here?❞ Kaede asked with a concerned face.

❝Gonta not not no... u-uhhh...❞

❝It's been this over and over, we can't move forward at all.❞ Kaito sighed dissappointedly.

❝How about not asking such dumb ass questions?❞ Kokichi suggested with a mocking smile.

❝Nyeh... I'll change the question then. Timmy buys five strawberries for 50 cents each and one apple...❞ Himiko being dumb as fuck again

❝That's totally off-topic, Himiko! Do your own math homework!❞ Kaede snapped, Shuichi just standing there awkwardly and watching everything unfold.

❝Hey, Gonta. We talked to Maki earlier...❞ Kaede trailed off.

❝Ah, right!! You we're in the A/V room alone eh? That's kinda sus if you ask me. What we're you doing anyway? Some killer stuff?❞ Y/n squinted his eyes at the wild haired male.

❝No! Gonta would never!! Gonta happy to be invited to the meeting. But Gonta think he may not be much help, cuz he not smart...❞ Gonta sulked.

❝So Gonta in here alone, watching bug movie!❞ Gonta beamed, (he was looking kinda cute in this part ngl)

❝Um... What? How does that help?❞ Kaede questioned nerveously.

❝Bug movie fill Gonta with fight! Make Gonta ready to fight Monokuma!❞ Gonta replied in a fighting pose.

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