2 - Need more time

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One month later

"I'm so sorry Y/n but I really need to be at the studio tonight, I'm sorry for cancelling on you again, I'll make it up for you" Niall says on the phone.

This was the third time he told me he couldn't make it when we had planned to go out on a date or just hang out.

"It's fine Niall, work is important" I say faking a smile even though he can't see me. Instead I was the one who saw my reflection in the mirror in front of me.

"I'm so sorry, maybe we can catch up tomorrow for lunch or something?" He offers.

"Sure yeah that would be nice" I say knowing that I should not get too excited about it because there's a huge chance he will have to work instead tomorrow.

Of course I understand that Niall has to work a lot and that his work is really important to him. I'll always support him and be by his side. Niall has to work a lot and he's ready to do that so I won't stop him from it, even if it means that we can't spend much time together.

"It's a date then" He says happily.

"I hope we can have time to go to the amusement park next weekend instead" he says with hope in his voice.

"Me too I'm so excited"

"I'm sorry again Y/n you don't deserve this"

"It's okay Niall"

We hung up the phone and I started to change. Putting my pyjamas on, removing my make up since I wasn't going to the amusement park with Niall tonight. Instead I ordered pizza and found myself comfortable on my sofa watching movies. I keep telling myself that everything is fine, cause it is. I have feelings for Niall and it hurts every he has to cancel but I won't stand in the way of his career. I would never do that to him. We are young and have time.


"Hey love I'm so sorry for being late" Niall run up to me in the cafeteria where I've been sitting and waiting for him for almost twenty minutes now.

"It's okay I order for you as well"

"I'm so so sorry, I will do anything to make up for everything" He looked around the cafeteria before kissing my cheek.

"It's fine Niall I totally understand- " He interrupted me.

"No it's not fine" He sat down frustrated, rubbing his face with his hands.

"I really like you Y/n and I want to do everything for you-"

"What are you doing on Friday night, or this weekend in general?" I asked him with hope even though I knew back in my head that he probably already was busy with work.

"I actually think I'm free on Friday night and as it looks like I'm free this weekend" He says softly.

"So maybe you want to come over at my place on Friday and we can spend the weekend together just hang out, we don't have to actually plan anything"

"I'll talk to the lads and they can hopefully help me to get out of work if something comes up"
He smiled softly at me.

"Great!" I say excited. Finally I actually got hope that we could make it and just spend a casual weekend together like we did back in Ireland.

As the waitress came with our food he kept pretty much staring at Niall like he was a work of art. Well yes he looks incredibly good in every way so I understand the waitress guy.

"God he was really checking you out" I say to Niall as the waitress walked away.

"Probably checking me out so he knew how to look to get a beautiful woman like you"

No I couldn't help but blush, hardly, and Niall noticed, at least the smirk on his face told me so.

After an half an hour Niall had to be at an interview and I had to go home and study for my exam tomorrow and catch up for a big photography project I had this week with a great fashion company. I never had such a huge project like this before, usually I took photos of "not very famous" bands and artists that were about to begin their careers. It was really fun to work with them since they just like me were young and in their beginning of a career. It was just really good knowing that we might could help each other to improve and stabilise our work.


During the rest of the day I sat down stuck in front of my laptop and books until my head dropped down on the table.
Damn I should really go to sleep now.
It was 11pm and I've been stuck studying since 2pm when I got back from the lunch with Niall.

"It's late so I'm not calling you good night unless I'll wake you up. So good night love x"
The next blew up on my phone and immediately butterflies began to appear in my stomach. A smile grew on my lips as I wrote back.

"I'm awake, still studying.."

He immediately started writing back.

"How long have you been studying? Please don't tell me you fell asleep at your desk"

"I was in a good study mood okay?"

"I'll call you now"

"Y/n don't tell me you've been studying since you got back home from our lunch together?" Niall called me right away.


"You deserve some rest"

"So do you"

"Let's not talk about work and studies and stuff" He says.

"Remember when we were kids and talked so long on the phone that something with our neighbours phone system stopped working" I say before both of burst out laughing like two idiots.

Laughing with Niall could sheer up a whole day. If I had a bad day I just called him and suddenly we found something funny and laughed at it and then the day went so much better right away. It was crazy how much better he could make me feel by just being there.

My Childhood best friend (NiallxReader) pt 2 Where stories live. Discover now