33- The fields

39 4 11

Niall & Y/n
About a year later*


Her eyes are all watery and I know she'll start crying anytime, so I put down my guitar next to me on the blanket we're sitting on.

"You promised not to cry" I say before pulling her into my arms.

"But how am I supposed to not cry when you play songs like that. It's so beautiful but it- it just hurts to know that it had to be like that" Y/n buries her face into my chest, pressing her warm and sunburned skin against mine.

"That was a long time ago. Everything is great now, you and I, we are the best and it will never happen again" I say as I press my lips to her head while rubbing my hands against her back. Y/n asked me to sing a couple of the songs I've been working on all by myself, both during the time in the band but also now that we're on hiatus. When I sang the song "This town" she immediately started to cry because it brought back so many memories and also reminded her a lot of Mullingar which very much inspired me to write the song. Apparently she's been hearing me humming along to the chorus of my song "Flicker" and she really wanted me to sing it now as we're sitting on a beach back in Ireland together. We've spent most of the summer in Ireland because we both needed to get away from the city life and just spend time together without all the public attention since this year already has been quite difficult due to everything with the band.

When Y/n asked me to sing Flicker I knew that she would not be able to handle it. I started to work with the song when I got back home from her place after she had gotten her concussion a couple of years ago. My lads kept telling me how I was still in love with Y/n and that there was still this spark between us. I got upset with them at the time because it felt like things would never be how they were before between us but what my lads said kept coming back to me, and it build a hope inside of me that maybe one day it could be us again. A little flicker of hope.

I told her that the song was about us during our time apart but she still was determined that she wanted to hear me sing it, and promised me not to cry because that was the last thing I wanted her to do. This song would bring back a lot of memories, I knew that. But I feel like we both can handle it now when we are in a really happy and good place together.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't supposed to cry but it just brought back some old memories" Her beautiful eyes look up at me with the sun reflecting in them.

"I know. And it's fine, I cried when I wrote it as well" I kiss her softly on the lips. Her hand moved up to my cheek as she just sat there looking me deeply into the eyes with a soft smile on her face.

"I love you" she says and my heart starts racing while butterflies are fluttering inside my stomach. We both don't want to use those words too often because we don't want it lose it's meaning, we both know how we feel for each other without having to say it all the time. But every time I hear those words coming out from her lips it does something to me, it makes me feel so much and my love for her is growing even stronger even though I don't know if it's possible.

"I love you too" I whisper before pecking her lips.

Y/n's parents are also in Ireland this week to visit my family here which is great because there's something I really want to ask them in person. I've been planning for a long time to propose to Y/n but I want everything to be special so I've put a lot of time into getting the perfect ring, and planning out the perfect place where I'm going to propose to her. Of course I'm going to do it here in Ireland since this place means so much to both of us and I'm planning on doing it this weekend since her parents are here now and I can ask them for their permission. Y/n's parents and I have a great relationship and we've always gotten along well even when we weren't together, but I still want to ask them for their permission when it comes to ask their daughter to marry me. It's a huge thing to get engaged and I really feel like I want them to know about it before I ask her. She deserves that and so does them.

My Childhood best friend (NiallxReader) pt 2 Where stories live. Discover now