The Best Medic

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Silence follows, Nash tucks the mask into the collar of her t-shirt. Folding her arms across her chest. Her eyes cast a daring gaze around the table. Challenging us.

I have to bite back my words, choosing them carefully. If I let on that we've had relations and have feelings then I'll be in the shitter for breaking regs. Which to be fair I am already doing with Price and the rest of 'Ghost' team anyway. But my focus would be questioned if they found out about it, and one thing I wont stand for is doubting my ability to separate work and feelings. That being said, she looks fucking hot as fuck in that mask.

"Nash—" Price begins. And I smirk inside my mask, there is no way he'll back down. He said from the beginning that there is no place for her in this. Nash will wait by the exfil. That is the plan.

Ballsy, Nash holds up her hand halting him "Save it." She snaps, "I'm sick and tired of this bullshit."

My dick hardens. I grit inside my own mask. It ain't the fucking time.

"Staff Sergeant Nash," Price snaps, shooting her a  warning, and like a good fucking girl she averts her gaze guiltily, shutting her mouth.

Price walks round the table, stopping inches from Nash, "I know what you think you heard and—"

"I heard enough," she interrupts, "and I want in."

Price casts his eyes between Soap and I, "It's off the books Nash. It's mutiny."

I stare off at Gaz and we both agree without speaking that Price has already told her too much.

"With all due respect Captain, I'm a big girl who can make up her own mind." She doesn't back down.

Price lets out a long sigh. He's actually fucking considering this.

"No." I snap. You could hear a fucking pin drop. All eyes now on me, and I do everything to avoid looking into hers. "Our plan of action is flawless, everyone has their position. There is no room for anyone else. We agreed on this, all of us."

The men share a glance between them, they know I'm right.

"Well good thing I'm not waiting for your permission," Nash borderline harrumphs, she pulls her gaze back to Price. I smirk, she's pulling fucking rank on me. "Price, I'm a god damn good medic. I could be the difference between life and death for one or more of you—"

My traitorous body has a mind of its own and I'll curse it till the day I die. My arm absently reaching out, fingers curling around her wrist, snatching her towards me.

"No." I repeat, the gruffness in my voice ripping at my throat as I glare into her bulging fearful eyes. And without hesitation I drag her out of this room.

She hisses at me, "what's your fucking problem?"

Scrubbing my face under the mask I feel the tension and anger rising in me, I've just made a fucking spectacle. And she looks so fucking good standing there. I just know that underneath her mask she is pouting, her lips all puffy begging to be kissed and nibbled. My dick jerks at the thought of her pouty mouth wrapped around it.


"Get it through your skull Nash, you aren't with us on this." I'm firm, because there isn't anything she could do or say that will cause me to budge on this.

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