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"A word Captain?" I give Price my most pointed stare.

He returns it with a sharp dip of his chin and we disappear into the weapons container.
Price has a quick pace around before crossing his arms across his chest. Raising his brows at me he gestures for me to speak.

I have a love/hate relationship with how I'm feeling right now. Warring with myself over what I feel for Nash, and how I've allowed myself to drop focus. I need to regain some of it. Take control of my mind again. At least until the missions over.

"Nash can't be at the exfil." I start strong, no pussyfooting about.

Price chuckles deeply, pulling out a cigar from his top pocket. "She wore you down has she?" He says.

Its my turn to pace, "Sir, I don't want her at the exfil but I don't want her with us either."

"I can't very well put her with Laswell in the sky can I?" Price grunts.

"Back at base, helo her out of here altogether."

I already know what he's going to say, what he's thinking. We only have access to one helo now, Nikolai's and there is no way it can get her away from her and be back for us. I know what I'm asking.

He heaves a long sigh before his brows droop, "Ghost-"

"Captain, there is no way Nash will sit at the exfil and let us go it alone. She'll find a way to us." I'm clutching at straws here; but I do know her.

Price begins to pace, almost as though he's mulling it over. He gives me an exasperated twitch of the eye before pressing his comms.

"Laswell, this is Bravo six, over. Helo evac needed for our medic...negative, no injury. Her safety was compromised during our recon. We took enemy fire, and they were more than a little interested in the female in our ranks."

Nervously chewing the inside of my cheek waiting for Price to finish convincing Laswell to acquire us an extra helo, I mull over how the fuck I have gotten here. And I still can't quite make sense of it. A cataclysmic shit show.


My heart races, so harshly that I can feel it whacking off my chest plate. I'm sandwiched between Ghost and Soap again, with Gaz and Price up front. None of us speak. The silence suffocating. It's like a black hole, threatening to pull us all into an abyss of nothingness. I begin to panic. What if this goes tits up? What if either way, one of them doesn't come home? I've had underwear longer than I've known them, but somehow we've clicked. These are my guys, and I trust them with my life. It's their own lives I don't trust them with. Reckless, selfless. Loyal.

Glancing quickly out of the corner of my eye I see Ghost, his amber eyes staring stoically ahead. What's he thinking about? Is he scared?

The funny thing is that I know he isn't scared and that worries me more.

The girl in me wants to grab his hand and squeeze it. To plead with him not to go. But the soldier in me squashes that. With Ghost, the job comes first. With any good soldier, special forces or army. The job comes before everything.

Stopping abruptly, in a small dusty out of use airfield, I notice a little outbuilding looking shabby and perfect for concealment. This is where I'll wait.

Price turns to me, "Nash," his voice is raspy, "this is your stop." there's a small twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"Sir," I smile weakly in return. Accepting my fate, I argued and failed. I was outranked and much to my surprise put gently in my place.

Just as Soap moves from the back seat to let me out I hear the unmistakable sound whir of helo rotors. My eyes snap up and then to Price who has just slammed his door shut. The four men stand side by side against the humvee.

"Who's that for?" I ask incredulously.

Gaz shifts his gaze to his boots before guiltily lifting his eyes to mine. "Yours, I'd imagine babe."

"The fuck?" I snap, drilling my own eyes to Price.

"Can't risk it, you're going home." Authority oozing from him. Leaving zero room for argument.

I tilt my head pathetically, "Sir, please. If I wait here and any of you are injured I'm your best chance. You can't—" I pause, interrupted by the roar of the helo. Sand and dust kicking up swirling around me like a suffocating vortex.

My gaze instinctively falls on Ghost, as usual his expression hidden underneath his mask. But his eyes, as they lift to meet mine, they burn.

I look at the four of them, my body slacking defeatedly.

"Fine." I relent, "but I am fucking pissed. And when you come back to base, and you will all fucking come back, I am going to make you all pay for this."

I run towards the helo, my senses disorientating. Debris clouding my vision, the roar of the rotors deafening me. As I reach the door, I'm startled by fingers curling around my wrist.


He drops my wrist, just crowding my space with his huge frame. I can tell he is saying something to me.

"I can't hear you!" I shout to him, tapping my head. I have no comms.

Eyes crinkling in the corners, he begins to walk backwards slowly. Where he holds his rifle against his chest his hand relaxes. He points his finger from me to him. Before turning his back on me.

What was that? My head buzzes with confusion. I'm frustrated not knowing what he said and now this.

Price catches my gaze, dipping his head towards the helo. I give him a weak smile, turn, hesitate for a moment and then climb in. By the time I sit and look out the humvee is gone, before the helo even lifted off the ground, they left.


I've let my guard down. I'm an idiot. I walk backwards, swallowing to coat my dry throat as I point to her, and then to me.

I shouldn't have done that.
I should not have done that.
What the fuck has gotten into me?

Mentally, I give myself a shake. Watching her reach for the helo. It's time to leave her there. For now at least. I can't have her in my head, I have one soul focus for now. And now that she's gone, it isn't her. 

I slide in the back of the truck, Soap's moved up front Gaz sits on the other side of the back from me. 

"Sooooo..." Soap begins, that fucking chirpy ready to take the piss tone lilting in his voice.

I close my eyes, silently praying for an airstrike, "Don't say a fucking thing." I warn.

"Save a seat for me." Gaz imitates my voice, relaying my words to Nash.

Soap joins, "I can't hear you!" He squeaks in a southern drawl.

"I will fucking shoot the kneecaps off the pair of you if you don't shut the fuck up." I bark. And I will, I fucking will.

I hear Price snigger, catching his gaze in the rear-view mirror. My blood is fizzing, I'm going to murder the entire task force. 

Soap does a half turn to face Gaz and I tighten my grip on the throwing knife on my thigh, "What was the hand gesture again?"

"I swear to fuck-"

"Lads, focus." Price asserts.

I let out a quiet slow breath steadying myself. In a futile attempt to hide my furious exasperation.

Gaz begins to hum a tune, and the familiarity of it has me mentally checking to make sure my affairs are in order. Because mutiny... because life in jail.

Soap slaps the dashboard, "I know this one...Ghost and Nash sitting in a tree...k-i-ss-i-n-g..."

Jerking his head to the tune Gaz continues, "First came loooooooove..."

"Fuck the fucking lot of you." I pull my hand gun out and cock it.


I fear for Soap and Gaz tbh.
 Hi hello.
Thanks for the love this has been receiving recently.
I have 2 weeks left of work and then I finish for a fortnight! WOOHOO!
I will be able to update more often when I'm off.

Love you all. 

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