You, Sir, are a cunt.

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"Hey, woah!" I call out to Ghost as he heads towards the door.

Oh God, what have I done? What has he done to me? This isn't who I am, the type of girl who chases after a guy she barely knows. I'm usually level-headed. I've worked hard to get where I am and earn the respect I have. I'm not the girl who gets fucked in a bathroom infected with chlamydia, especially not in some Mexican special forces base.

But, well, it seems like I am because I just did it.
Ghost slowly turns around, his intense gaze fixed on me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now, with him nailing my coffin shut.

"What?" he snaps, his fists clenching at his sides. Suddenly, he's the same aasshole I met on the first day.

My throat goes dry. I'm such an idiot.
"So, that's it? You yell at me, then you use me, and that's it?" I feel... dirty.

His head dips, and I just know he's laughing under that mask. He's pleased with himself. And what do I do? I fall backwards, leaning on the tainted sink countertop.

"That's it." He repeats on a scoff, shaking his head before he turns his back on me and walks away. Leaving me cold and devoid of any self respect.


I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that. Oh, what have I done?

This is precisely why we have army regulations in the first place. My mind is in disarray now. I should not have kissed her. I definitely should not have touched her. I absolutely should not have fucked her.

But damn, she felt amazing wrapped around my cock.

Tasted fucking incredible.

The worst part is that I should not have left her thinking she was just a place for me to get my dick wet. She means so much more to me than that. That's why I should have maintained my distance. Myla Nash has invaded my personal space, pushed my boundaries, and stolen my focus.

When I saw the pain in her eyes, I had to avert my gaze. Pretend I didn't notice. Make her believe she was what she feared. .

Now, I despise myself even more.

Soap is getting ready, fussing with his vest. He looks up from the velcro with that arrogant grin. The kind of grin I've been meaning to wipe off his face. I mentally note that for later.

His mouth opens, ready to speak.

"Shut up, Johnny," I snap."

Soap draws his head back, "Fuck you," he grunts on a scoff, "I was going to tell you about Gaz and the medic but you can get fucked."

"What about Gaz and Nash?"

Soap makes a long and annoying high pitched noise, one that says he isn't telling me shit.

"Whatever," I snap at him, "get your head out of your arse and in the game." I'm not sure who the majority of that statement was for.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch the shower room door intently. Waiting for her. When she does finally emerge, I turn my whole body around. Her mouth is covered by her fist, her eyes bloodshot. She's been crying. A lot. Her forehead is blotchy. Her shoulders twitching. She hasn't just been crying, she's been sobbing. And I did that.

"Fucking hell." I hiss, pushing through the men as I try to get to her.

How did I end up in this situation? As a man, as a soldier, I never thought I would be chasing after a woman. I knew something like this would happen if she joined the team. I just didn't think it would be me.

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