Morning Time

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Everyone: *wakes up*
Hermione: hey gin
Ginny: hi hermione! How was your sleep?
Hermione: it was...... Alright. Where is everyone?
Ginny:*worried* umm... In the great hall. Mione, are you ok?
Hermione: yes I'm ok Ginny, let's go to the great hall.
Ginny: ok if you're sure.
Gin and mione: hey guys!
Everyone: hey girls! How was your sleep
Ginny: mines where great!
Hermione: fine.
George: um, hermione are you ok?
Hermione: yea I'm fine.
George: *worried* are you sure love?
Hermione: positive, don't worry about me.
George: we all worry about you we love you.
Hermione:* smiles* thank you.
Ginny: so what's the gossip around.
Luna: well I heard snape is getting fired
Ron: IS IT TRUE?!?!?!?
Ginny: Ron your gonna miss him?
Ron: hell no
Luna: I don't know I heard it though
Harry: hopefully it's true
Ginny: anything else?
Dean: I heard that Draco got pansy pregnant.
Draco: *yells*. NEVER THAT. I LOVE MIONE!
Hermione: *disgusted*
Ginny: haha your face!
Harry: yes mione you have the funniest look on your face. You hate him that much?
Hermione: oh god yes!
Ron: good thing you do
Ginny: Ron shut up!
Ron: Ginny stop bullying me
Ginny: oh if you want bullying I'll give it to you
Ron: I didn't do anything
Ginny: you breathe
Ron: oh that reminds me!
Everyone: WHAT?!?!?
Ron: I got a girlfriend
Everyone: *shocked*
Ginny: who would date you?
Ron: shut up. But Lavender Brown
Dean: that skank??
Harry: you couldn't pick better?
Ginny: she's clingy
Ron: leave her alone! I love her!
Luna: how long have you been dating?
Ron: 1 week
Neville: you love her already?
Ron: love isn't a time period
Ginny: oh lord *rolls eyes*
Harry: did she slip you something?
Ron: what would she slip me
Harry: drugs
Everyone except Ron: *laughs*
Harry: or a love potion
Ginny: that's what I was thinking
Ron: HEY!!!
Fred: hey it's the truth
George: yea she's desperate
Ron: no she's not!
Ginny: Ron shut up
Ron: you have to except her
Hermione: no the hell we don't
Harry: yea you're the one dating her
Ron: ugh! You made me mad
Fred: you know we don't like her-
George: so why would you tell us?
Ron: I just thought it'll change
Ginny: it'll never change!
Ron: please!!
Ginny: I'll punch you if you keep asking
Ron: hmm.. Fine.
Ginny: thank the lord! I'm full
Ron: I'm not
Ginny: your never full
Harry: come on, class time
Everyone: Ugh!!

Fast update this time. Are you guys proud of me. And it's a little longer. Love you guys!!

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