hermines thoughts of george

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HERMIONES POV: OMG. look at George looking so hot I thought. I have been crushing on, no LOVING George weasley since first year on the train. but he will never notice me I mean who will ever like a ugly, boring bookworm. and I would tell him I love him but three reasons why I don't is because 1) im too afraid of being rejected, 2)it will affect my friendship with ron, and 3)RON STUPID ASS IS STANDING IN THE WAY. I mean I don't know why but he keeps bothering me about some stupid things. but atleast I have 1 goo thing that I am really excited about which is that we are all going to WWW today! two reasons im glad is so ron can stop bothering me so damn much and I can finally talk to George without getting so nervous since everyone is there. but lately fred has been on my back about loving George. I mean I haven't told him and nobody does know it, but when George and I are close or looking at eachother, fred is smirking which is really pissing me off, but atleast he isn't doing anything worse like saying don't like my brother and stuff, which would worry me. if someone said that he was dating someone else, then I swear I will crucio or avada keverda myself all the way to the grave. I now it sounds silly, but what else are you supposed to do when you have been loving them since first year, watch them snogg?    I know heard a BLOODY HELL , and I knew it was George, even though ron is the one who says it. I recognize his voice and it sounds so sexy....(dirty mind mione?) but let me get dressed into something cute, it is almost time to go to WWW. yay HERE I COME GEORGE BABY!

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