Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with Jamie's arms around me and smiled. The chaos of the last few weeks had seemed to melt away...for now at least.

I ran my fingers gently up her back and barely touched my lips to hers. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and a grin spread across her face.

"Morning beautiful," she said to me as she pulled me in against her.

"You're cheesy," I said, kissing her neck.

"Whatever, you like it," Jamie responded.

I laughed and let my eyes fall shut, "I could fall asleep again," I said quietly.

"I'd rather do something else again," Jamie said as she took my chin in her hand and began to kiss me.

"As much as I'd like to agree with you," I said as I pulled back, "Sophie is supposed to be stopping by soon. She probably doesn't want to walk in on that."

"I don't know," Jamie said with a smirk, "she might enjoy the show."

I sat up quickly and looked at Jamie, "absolutely not," I said with a laugh.

Jamie shrugged, "it was worth a try."

"Come on," I said as I climbed off the couch, "I'll give you a shirt to throw on quick."

"Yeah you better put something on quick too, Sophie is definitely getting a show if I have to watch you walk around naked much longer," Jamie said.

I turned around to look at her and tried my best to cover myself up, "control yourself," I said with a grin.

We walked in to my bedroom and I took out a t-shirt and shorts from my drawer and tossed them to Jamie. I quickly put my robe on and we walked back out to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I asked Jamie.

"Mmm yes please," she said as she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I turned around to face her and gave her a quick kiss, "I can't make coffee like this you know."

Jamie scowled at me, "fine," she said as she quickly kissed my cheek and sat down at the counter.

I made us some coffee and poured some for each of us in a mug. Just as I handed Jamie hers, Sophie knocked on the door.

I went over and pulled open the door and she stepped in.

"Morning! How's it go-" she stopped when she saw Jamie sitting there sipping her coffee. Jamie smirked and took another drink.

"Jamie, you're here, hi!" Sophie continued.

I raised an eyebrow at Sophie and said, "don't act too surprised, Jamie outed you and your little Cupid act."

I grinned as I watched Sophie start to squirm.

"Well...." She started, "it worked didn't it?!"

Jamie and I both shook our heads and laughed. "Yeah all you Soph," I said to her.

Sophie walked over to the couch and eyed our pile of clothes on the ground that I had forgotten to pick up.

"Well obviously something worked," Sophie said as she nodded towards the clothes.

Jamie and I looked at each other and smirked, trying not to laugh.

"And on that note," Jamie said as she finished her cup of coffee, "I have to get going."

She walked over towards Sophie and leaned down to grab her clothes from the floor.

"Always a pleasure Jamie," Sophie said jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jamie said as she walked over to me. "Talk to you later?" She asked.

I nodded at her with a smile in response, and she leaned in and kissed me before walking out of the front door.

I turned around to face Sophie and she was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed. "So that happened, huh?" She said to me.

"Sure did," I said with a shrug.

Sophie smiled and gave me a little clap as I walked over to sit next to her on the couch.

"So are you and Jamie besties now or what?" I asked her.

"Welllll...I just thought she might want to know that Alex had left since I wasn't sure you told her!" Sophie quickly said.

"I don't really care about that part that much," I said.

"What are you talking about then?" Sophie asked.

"How much did you tell her when I was gone?" A look of guilt came across Sophie's face as I asked her this.

"Cas I didn't - I only told her how you were doing. I barely said anything else." Sophie said.

"It's fine," I said with a sigh. "Just really caught me off guard I guess. I had no idea she was checking in on me."

"She just wanted me to tell her if you were doing okay. She was pretty messed up from the whole situation too," Sophie said.

My hands began to fidget in my lap as I thought about everything that had happened with Jamie and I, and Alex.

I shook myself out of the thoughts and said, "well, thankfully that's all in the past now. I'm glad I know but I don't want to think about it any more."

"Sorry," Sophie said quietly, "I should've told you but - I didn't want you to have to think about any of that stuff with Jamie unless you wanted to."

"It's okay Soph," I said to her, "I get it, I'm not mad I promise."

I could see the relief come over her as I said this. "Okay good, because I don't think I could handle that," she said.

"And besides," I said with a smile, "you were kind of right, it did work."

"Uh yeah see?! You're welcome!" Sophie quickly said.

"Whatever," I said as I laughed at her, "we would've gotten there eventually."

"Well I just helped you speed it along," Sophie said in response.

"I am happy about Jamie and I but -" I paused and Sophie waited for me to continue. "I still feel really bad about Alex."

"I know, maybe you can check in on him eventually. I know you both still care about each other," Sophie said, "but give it some time."

I nodded in agreement, "none of this would've happened if I would've just stayed in California."

"Um excuse you," Sophie said, "I needed you back here!"

I smiled at her, "I know I know, it was just a lot less complicated there."

"Well it seems like it's a lot less complicated here now that you and Jamie have made up." She wiggled her eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

"Shut up," I said to her with a smirk. "But yeah I guess it is, I know I'm just going to feel guilty for a while."

"Hey come on," Sophie said, "you'll be good, and we should be celebrating you and Jamie's make up sex instead."

"Sophie shut the hell up!" I said as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Okay fine no celebrations," she said, "but I do need your help with something."


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