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All ten of them were gathered around Avalon and Kate's coffee table. Each taking turns passing around cards for the game Cards Against Humanity.

"How did I not win? Sending nudes to your dad is a better answer than peeing in public! I'm calling favoritism." Avalon argued before returning back to the floor, next to Harry who slipped an arm around her waist lightly. It was something he had been doing the whole night, yet her heart still stopped every-time he did it. "Liam you knew that was Sophie's card, you can't cheat! New rule, person to you're left shuffles the cards."

"What do we have here, the gaming police?" Niall jokes before getting a throw pillow thrown at him.
"Avalon takes her games very seriously, it honestly gets annoying sometimes." Becca warns, sitting in between Zayn and Danika.
"I'm going to get some more water, anyone need anything?" Avalon asks, returning back to her feet. Everyone shook their heads no but Harry decided to tag along just because.

"You having fun?" He asks as she gets a water bottle from the fridge.
"Tons! Having you all here is so awesome." She admits, hoping up on the counter, letting Harry know she wants to stay there for a bit. "I wish you guys had more time."
"Hey." He steps in front of her, landing in between her legs. He lifts her jaw up slightly with his index finger under her chin. "We still have two full days. Don't get sad on me yet."
"I won't I won't." She spits, "But I don't know what i'm going to do without you guys here. You just... fit into the group."

Harry tried to hide his smile from the sentence but fails miserably, burying his head in her neck as she rubs circles on his back.
"You're such a big baby." She laughs.
"I'll be a baby if it means i get to be close to you."

They stayed in silence and stillness. Admiring each others warmth and listening to the distant laughs that came from the living room.

"Are you and Becca ok?" He asks, lowering his voice a bit.
"Why?" She wonders.
"I've never seen your guy's friendship before but she seems very passive aggressive with you. Are you fighting?"
"Nope. She just gets in her moods sometimes." She answers, unscrewing the cap and taking a swig of water as Harry spoke,

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

"Of course I know dummy." She says with her bottom lip subconsciously wedged between her top and bottom teeth, "do you want to spend the night?" She asked, not knowing if this was overstepping. I mean they have been with each other at every opportunity over the past week, but he hadn't kissed her.
"Like here?"
"No in the hallway. Yes here."

"Sure. I don't have any stuff though and my breath smells like salsa." He reveals.
"Well then i can give you a toothbrush."
"I'm getting a toothbrush?!" He says with amazement.
"Yes. Who knows, maybe next it'll be a drawer?" She teases, hopping off the counter as he grabs her hands to do so. "Does this mean I get to see your really cool room?"
"It does." She giggles as she leads the two back into the living room.

"Ok it's official, I hate this game!" Niall yells as he slams his cards down on the table.
"It's just a game it's not that deep lad." Louis says with a laugh.
"Hey, it's more then a game. It's a way of life." Avalon says, backing Niall up.
"This is why I love you!" He says as a joke, jumping up and pulling her out of Harry's hand and into a spinning hug.
"Awww i love you too Ni." She giggled as she's spun aggressively. "I might throw up that salsa if you don't put me down."

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