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The sun beamed into her apartment, her eyes fluttered awake and when she went to turn she was faced with the same guy she fell asleep next too. Except, he was on his phone.

"Oh hey, good morning." He said, paying her a nice smile and setting his phone down on the white sheets.
"Morning. How long have you been up?"
"Only ten minutes. According to Niall, Liam never made it back to the hotel." He said with a smirk, "and, the last person they saw him with was Sophie."
"I'll confirm if that's true when she wakes up, if they banged, the first thing she's going to do is text our group chat."

"Also, I have some bad news. Our team called and they scheduled two interviews today, so our plans are cancelled."
"Oh, well we can still hang out tonight, right?"
"It's show night, i'm sorry." He said with disappointment.
"It's alright, what about tomorrow? Didn't you have stuff to do?"
"Yep, i'm sorry. But, I promise i'll find time to see you before I leave." He grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly.


The next two days were lonley, although she was busier then ever. With the boys schedule plugged with interviews, the most speaking Avalon and Harry did was through text inbetween calls.

He made a promise, He was sticking to it.

Not only was he going to spend time with her, but he was going to kiss her.

"Kate, get it!" She yelled from her bedroom.
"I can't! I think it's my door dasher, can you answer it?" She yelled back, from her bedroom aswell.

Avalon stumbled out of her bedroom as she slipped into a pair of UGG slippers, it was the best christmas present she had received last year. Sophie saw them in the store and they had Avalons name written all over them.

She opened the door and it was the last thing she expected.

"Surprise!" He said, holding up two paper bags. He allowed himself into the apartment, walking straight to the kitchen and placing the two bags on the counter.
"I brought over some donuts from that shop you showed us the other day." He explained, pulling a box out from one bag. From the other he pulled a bouquet of flowers, flowers that almost melted her heart.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, surprised but in a good way.
"I promised to see you before I left, didn't I?" He said, leaving a soft smile on her face.

He didn't have much time, in fact he had to leave for the airport in two hours, but he sent the four other boys off on a mission to find souvenirs.

With the two hours they had, and the down pouring rain, they agreed on a movie.

"What movie do you want to watch?" She asked, being joined by him as his body dipped down the mattress.
"Whatever you want. It is October, we could watch a scary movie." He offered up, knowing she'd have no idea.
"That's a great idea!"

Then he left.

Her world was turned upside down it felt like, and she didn't even get a kiss.

A week of hanging out and no kiss. Harry was upset with himself, he just wanted it to be perfect. Kissing in her bed while they were watching Hocus Pocus didn't really fit the idea he had in his mind.

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