Chapter 1

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Samhain 1981,

"Harry help your uncle to look after roland and protect him" said james.

"Ok father"said harry.

"Lets go james. We are late for the meeting already. Stay safe harry and protect your brother" said lily.

"Ok mother"said the little four year old.

And the potter couple apparated away to go to their emergency order meeting.

Wormtail come near to his favorite nephew. "What's up bambi?"he asked the child while messing his hair.

"Waahhh..Uncle pete don't mess my hair"he whined while pouting.

Peter cackled a bit. "Let's go to your brother" and they went to Roland's nursery.

They just play some games and peter feed Roland his fill and put him to sleep.
After that he read a story for harry so he can also fall asleep.




After some time there was a bang from the doorway. Peter rush downstairs wand in his hand but he stop in his track when he saw who it is. The strange wizard just stunt the man and walk pass his body and walk to the baby's room.

Then the nursery door cracked opened and there comes a tall hooded guy with ash colour wand in his hand...

The dark lord stood there with his all glory in the potter residence. Harry blinked owlishly and titled his head.

"Hm..Who are you mr?"the little boy asked the strange hooded guy.

Lord voldemort looked at the little boy stunned. Normally children will run away or cry when they see him in his parsel form..Hell even the adults.But this child...but he can't spend time thinking about these unwanted fax he have to hurry and finish his work.

He checked the 2 children magical cores and the red head's is below average. He sneered at him. 'This one..This little piglet defeating me..ME 'The GREAT DARK LORD' huh keep dreaming on dumbledork you can't kill me with this brat you stupid bish.'he cackled gleefully.

Then he went to check the child with green curious eyes.'O boy he is the one he has an extraordinary core. He is the one to defeat me.' He exhaled a breath.

"I'm sorry little one I'm really sorry. If I know you will not fight against me then I will not have to do this..but knowing who your parents and dumbledore are you will fight against me..This is a war little one I have to do this or they will use you to defeat me as a weapon..
I will end this painless and quick as possible so you don't have to suffer...I don't want to waste magical blood...But we have to do this to win our rights...."the dark lord whispered.

The little boy just looked at him in the eyes like he understood what he just said.

Little did he know the little boy did understand him. But he will not know that the said boy have photographic and eidetic memory and he will remember his every single word in the future.

He pointed the wand at the little boy and said the words that will change there lives to good or bad.

"Avada Kedavra"

He watched the green light shot from his wand and move to the boy's direction but...something happened.

He looks at the boy in fascination as a whitish ash colour almost black appeared before the boy for seconds and the next think he know is the green light is heading back his way.

He didn't have much time to react his body is frozen to the ground and the next thing he know is unimaginable pain. And he screamed. The last thing he saw was the little boy's jade green eyes full with tears looking at him.

Third POV,

The backlash is severe. The little baby got an equal sign on his left cheek from a wood piece that broke out from his crib and is crying his eyes out. And the roof is already destroyed the cottage is a reck.

Little harry got a lighting bolt scar in his forehead that went across his right eye. But it doesn't damaged his eye but he got exhausted because he used too much magic and fell unconscious.





When the dark lord cast the killing curse it actually hit the child.

When death choose their master there are some things they required from their master that are needed to be proved to them and they will know if their chosen mortal is worthy to hold the position. And one of them is SURVIVE THE DEATH.

After some time harry shot opened his eyes and gasp for more than wanted air for breath.

He looks at the front and see the green light around him and unconsciously push it away in his hazy mind.

Death looks at his master and said "congratulations little master. But be ready your future is not easy." and disappeared into thin air.

Flashback end~




After that peter somehow came upstairs when the stunt worn out and saw harry unconscious on the floor and roland crying in the crib.

He went near harry and brush away his hair and didn't notice he brushed away the blood on his scar too. "I'm sorry bambi forgive me. I love you little buddy.I really don't have a choice" and he ran away and change in to his animagus form.

Then the order and the potter's with black couple rushed in to the ruined cottage.

"Merlin peter that traitor"james said while fuming but also quickly rused after lily.

Lily quickly went to the crying roland and picked him up and trying to sooth him.

While sirius went to pick up harry remus come and check him all over. While Moony sniffing his cub's sent. "Siri why is his pulse and magic is so faint? and his's slightly different too.." he asked concerned present in his voice. "He is magically exhausted"said sirius while hugging his pup to his chest.

Then suddenly lily shouted. "Albus there is a mark on his face"

Dumbledore all but run to Roland's side and check the mark. 'Hm..It said he will mark the prophecy child as his equal..So' he gleefully smiled and give the baby back to it's mother.

"I present you THE BOY WHO LIVED..."

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