Chapter 5

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A big time skip because why not~

(From here on I will address harry as hadrian or aries…)



It's been many years since Hadrian got blood adopted by the malfoys' and here he is saying good bye to his family with his little brother and going to hogwarts for his last year.
Time really flies away and he is already seventeen years old.

This year however is not to be peaceful he know it already. Why?...
Because his ex brother is also coming to his fourth year this year.
Those brainless gryffindors… every year the potter brat and his friends have to do some stupid heroic deed and put all of them in danger. And Aries have to be the pure hearted guardian angel and save their sorry arses everytime when they endangered others in it too.

Especially when their second year they accused his darling brother for the basilisk's incident when in reality it's the obsessive female weasel's fault for writing in diaries that doesn't belong to her self...
Ok maybe it's slightly his own father’s fault for misplacing his idiotic soulmate's diary with that manipulative sociopath maniac's reckless sixteen year old soul piece in it.
But really he just want to have something to entertain himself in his otherwise boring school years. You can't blame him for being a genius and the star student.

And this year there is a Triwizard tournament in Hogwarts. So it won't be boring this year.
And to the cherry on the top there was a death eater attack this summer in the quidditch world cup. It's either the minister is an idiot or he doesn't really care what will happened. He just want to maintain his position as a minister and the public.

Aries was snapped out of his mind when his mother called for his attention.
"Aries,Dragon be good and stay out of trouble. Mom loves you both. Be safe. Don't forget to owl me when you reach there and look after each other."said narcissa while giving her boys hugs and kisses.

"Aries,Draco watch out this year. The ministry will held The Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts so be caution. Do your best in your school boys. I have high hopes to both of you and behave. Goodbye boys. See you in yule break." said Lucius and pat his sons' shoulders.

"We will do our best father." said hadrian.
"And we will behave and stay out of trouble mom" said Draco. Hadrian also nods and gives his brother a side eye.

“Oh please lusy… just let the boys have some fun. Don't be like that kids... No old man talks. Spread chaos everywhere. And make us proud. After all you are the next generation of the marauders.” Said Sirius while puffing out his chest. Remus smacked his head upside down.
“Ow” shrink Sirius while rubbing his head.
“Don't give them wrong ideas padfoot. You are an adult. So act like one.” said Remus.

The two brothers just look at the two with amusement in their eyes. After all they love their chaotic uncles so much.

“Good bye boys… see you later in yule. And be good for Severus.” said Remus.

They said their farewells to their parents and uncles and got inside the train together and went to find their friends.

"Brother are you staying with us or going to the prefect compartment?" asked draco when he settled in his compartment with his friends.

"Hm… I will settle there. After all I have to babysit you'll and have to give the other  prefects their duties. Also I think Elizabeth is the other HP..." said Hadrian.

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