Chapter 4

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Hi guys 👋

Today it's my birthday.
So here is a big chapter.

And also, happy late Christmas my dear readers. Sorry I couldn't wish you'll before.




In mind~

'So it's not a dream. Oh brain hurts.. Is that really death. What a weirdo. Or did I finally lost it...That sarcastic bastard.' said harry sneering.

'I hear you there little master and I'm quite wounded and please call me hades.And you can't hurt your brain master.You will get dumber then' said death.

'Merlin's pants wt-' he is cut off by death and he feels like he was smacked upside down on his head.
'Ouch' he said while rubbing his head and mentally pouting.
'What's that for Hades?' he whined..I mean asked death.
'Don't cuss little master you are underage and I am DisaPPoinTeD' said death in a very dramatic way.

' -_- -_- why are you so dramatic' asked harry with I'm so done with this already I feel like I'm losing my brain cells rapidly tone.

'Because life is so boring and acting like a sociopath like your own soul bond master... But they are sassy and gorgeous' said death in a dreamy voice.
'Don't want more details' harry said in a ew you are a simp stay away from me voice.

Death looked at harry with a you betrayed me look. But harry is like I don't care.
And just asked 'Are you sure you are death,hades?'

'The paper work infront of me literary screams YES YES little master :)
...Can you help me with the paper works little master' asked death with a pout and big doe eyes with his nonexistent face.

'NO. Now go do your own work you lazy god.'said harry.

Harry already came near ragnarok's office so they cut the mindlink.

Harry heard death whining about getting a toddler as a master.


Harry just smirked. But it quickly turned into a small but beautiful smile. Atleast now he is not alone anymore.

He knocked on the door and waited. When he went inside the head goblin has small velvet boxes infront of him.

"Harrison these are the heir and lord ship rings of the houses you owned. You can claim the heir rings now but you have to wait to claim your lord rings for you must be atleast 14 year old. Other than that do you have any questions? and if you don't you can claim your heir rings." said ragnarok.

"Umm..I don't want to claim the potter heir ship it must be my brother's because James said he will disowned me in four days after the ritual they planned to do. So I will claim the other heir rings besides the potter one.Or I will have to obey to the potter lord and I don't want that" said harry.

"Hmm..Very well you may claim your heirships now" said ragnarok.

"Ok." And he claimed the heirships and stabilized his valutes without lords currently and get himself a card and a money pouch.

"Harrison I like to name you as a goblin nations friend..Ofcourse only if you like to be one" said ragnarok.
"I'm honored to be your friend lord ragnarok."said harry.
"No lord titles."said ragnarok.

"And ragnarok can I request a private meeting as quickly as possible with lord black?" asked harry.

"Sure harrison." and he wrote a letter and send it via gringotts owl mail.

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