Chapter 2

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O god please no...Not hagrid and dumbles🥲.

Hi guys! 😁
I know it's not much but I hope you enjoy it.

"I present you THE BOY WHO LIVED...
Roland fleamont potter." said dumbledore.

The potter's looks like they win a lottery and the black couple looked at each other dumbfounded. 
Wt f just happened did their friends really forgot their eldest child.

"Look siri our prongslet did it. He beat the old voldy. He is famous. He is a star now."said james while lily cooed at roland.

"What!?...What are you doing james what about harry he is our heir? Did you already forgot him. And he is injured you moron" said sirius. Anger and disbelieve visible in his voice.


" two disgust me"he sneered at them and stormed away.

"wait padfoot"james tried to called him.But he didn't even looked back same goes to moony.

At last no one notice a little piece of soul resident inside of that lightning bolt scar that is not a piece of the little boy's soul or neither of them nor the small soul piece's owner knew that the exact amount of soul from the little boy's soul also went to the other soul piece owner's main soul went the little boy died that time the killing curse hit him.

Meanwhile in gringotts the goblins looks like they just see death themself because they witnessed the little boy's birth certificate changed it's birth of date from july 31st to October 31st.

Lady Hecate bless them. The boy will do great things.

Time skip~⏰⏰⏰

After that fateful day harry never got a chance to saw his god fathers or uncle moony and pete.
It's like they also forgotten him. Maybe they also don't want him. 
Maybe the others are right he is a useless pathetic squib with little to no magic…That's what they said. 
Especially James when he beat him to a pulp for being useless and a filthy squib and making the potter family embarrassed.
But he knows they are wrong. 
After all it's  not like he have a photographic memory for nothing and he knows he is the real boy who lived but he doesn't care. 
And he want them to find the truth themselves. He want to make them suffer and regret their decisions.

 He don't want to tell them the truth he know what is better for him. It's not like they believe him. He is just a outcast and stress relief to them.
After all he don't like any of those people who come to the potter manor daily. 
Especially that old man with half moon glasses with twinking eyes and ridiculous clothes. He is creepy. 

And it's been over a year and half when he last saw or hear about his godfathers and it's like they all vanish from the face of the earth. 

Since this morning he have a gut feeling something is going to happened and it's not good. 

He has been teaches by the portraits of his grandparents and ancestors and he also like to self study. He cast a delusional spell and a silencing charm around himself wandlessly and went down the stairs.
He slowly make his way to the order's meeting room and see it's only the potter's and the creepy twinkle. He went beside the wall and eavesdropped their conversation.

"what are you going to do about your eldest son james, he is your heir after all."asked dumbledore. 

James sneered. "That squib is not heir of mine. In fact I'm gonna disowned him and dump him in an orphanage. Why asked about the disappointment albus?" asked james.
This time lily also looked at him curiously.

Dumbledore signs. "My boy when that day when roland defeat lord voldemort he must have used too much energy that I think his magic is lacking. So we have to transfer someones magic into him. And that someone must have the same heritage...I think you get what I mean.."asked dumbledore.

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