★ Simple Gestures ★

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Tags ¦¦ Fluff, Comfort no hurt, Slow burn, Friendship/Love, Gijinkas, Humanized/Object heads, nickel has prosthetics heh


It was calm, Balloon could feel the refreshing breeze on his face, it was relaxing. he wrapped himself tight around nickel, pressing his face and cheek on the other's back as he waited to get to their destination, nickel felt a shiver at the action, but he didn't mind it, he had to focus on the road after all. The ride continued calmly, they were driving to the city, it was a busy place, but since it was still morning it was calm enough for it to still be enjoyable, mostly for Balloon

Nickel knew this.


It was a very peaceful and nice morning in hotel OJ

It had been some time ever since invitational finished so everyone was back at hotel OJ, and luckily for Balloon, invitational allowed OJ and some others to realize that he was really a better person, so now he had a place to come back to, an actual genuine place to stay and not just some pity that could disappear any moment, it was his very own room at the hotel!. Well, kinda, it wasn't just his room, it was also Nickel's. After everything that had happened between them, they agreed to share a room to start working more on their friendship, both of them learning from each other, and it was going really well!, somehow. They still fought from time to time but it's not as serious anymore, and besides, it's mostly just Nickel starting fights for stupid things out of boredom, it always ended up on Balloon picking Nickel up and ignoring him to get him to shut up

Right now, Balloon was in his room scrolling through social media on his laptop. He started to zone out as he kept liking posts and listening to music. He started having many thoughts at once, but one particular thought was louder than the others... Where the hell was Nickel?

Nickel had been gone since very early this morning, for 4 hours at most, and that was long enough to bring questions to Balloon. It was just too weird, Nickel is not the kind of guy to wake up at 7 am and go out to do, whatever he was doing, and i mean, it was weirder how much Balloon was thinking about him, but that wasn't important right now, he was just curious after all, and Nickel was his friend so there wasn't anything wrong with wanting to know were his very dear friend was, maybe he was hurt, maybe he got into trouble with mephone. Again.

Balloon spent at least 15 minutes thinking about what Nickel could be doing right now (without him) until he realized how much he was overthinking it and shook his head to try to put those thoughts away, not that it worked. He laid his head on the rest of the chair and covered his face with his hands, trying to find an explanation of what he was feeling, of what he was thinking. He ended up cursing to the air


-...are you okay dude

Balloon quickly turned around with an unreadable expression

Nickel was standing at the door of their room, staring at Balloon with a curious look. He slowly closed the door behind him, maintaining eye contact with balloon who was still processing the kind of awkward situation that Nickel seemed unbothered about. the coin walked towards the other, passing besides him and gently pushing him to the side to make some space and sit besides him on the chair, this took Balloon out of his trance and made him remembered what he was overthinking about earlier

-have you been scrolling through twitter all morning? really? -Nickel said in a mocking tone as he took over Balloon's laptop and invaded his privacy. Balloon moved the laptop away from him and shut it closed, nickel looked offended at the action but stayed quiet

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