★ Totally Not A Nest ★

637 11 68

Tags ¦¦ Fluff, Comfort no hurt, established relationship, objects are not humanized, nesting, cuddling & snuggling, sharing a bed, #cringe, drabble, no beta read


Nickel is bored in his room, Balloon is not exactly bored, but annoying his boyfriend a bit never hurt anyone


Balloon sat on his bed, reading a book calmly and not paying attention to his surroundings, that is until a pillow hit his side, of course. He set his book aside and glanced around, noticing nickel taking a bunch of pillows and shuffling them on his side of the bed

-... Uhm... What are you doing? -Balloon asked, raising an eyebrow at the coin who was rummaging around the closet where they kept spare blankets and pillows

-I'm bored. -nickel replied bluntly, biting on more pillows and taking them to the bed

Balloon chuckled a bit while watching Nickel walk back and forth, taking some pillows and warm and soft blankets, sitting up in bed a bit more and continuing to gaze at him

-Oh... you're gonna make a nest in our bed? Are you pregnant or something? -the salmon one asked the other in a teasing tone

Nickel stopped dead in tracks the moment balloon mentioned how it seemed like he was making a nest and asked if he was pregnant. He stared at his partner for a whole minute before going back to the bed and kicking the pillows to put them in place -y'know, i think I'd rather call it my new cool and awesome bed, besides, what does being pregnant has to do with this? Oh, and, I'M NOT PREGNANT! -nickel protested as he continued shuffling the pillows and blankets around with his legs

-y'know? The thing animals do when they're pregnant?... -Balloon explained as he continued watching the other angrily shuffling pillows around and making his new bed, scooting a bit closer to him for a moment -.. Soooo... When's the baby due?.. -he asked with a tiny giggle, deciding to tease nickel a bit further

-wh- Huh- Hufhf- HNMP! Y-y'know what? It's stupid to even think pregnant like, firstly we haven't even done.. A-anything like that!! -nickel protested again, tripping on his words as his face began heating up

Balloon simply giggled again

-oh... you cheated on me??


Nickel ended up kicking a pillow towards balloon's face, making the other let out a quiet whine at it but then laughing uncontrollably

nickel rolled his eyes at Balloon, pouting a little as he continued to shuffle the pillows and blankets around looking very concentrated at his task in hand. He finished by making a bit of space in the middle for him to fit in... Ending up looking exactly like a nest...

He finished his totally not nest that just happened to look like a nest and quickly got inside it, putting a single pillow on the place his head was and then pulling on top of him two big and soft blankets he had left for later, calmly snuggling them

Balloon couldn't help but smile fondly at how peaceful and adorable nickel looked right now.

-... So you did make a nest after all... -Balloon smirked at Nickel, now sitting right next to his nest made out of pillows

nickel looked over at Balloon and frowned at him -you're prohibited from getting near my very cool and awesome bed that is NOT a nest -he scoffed offend before getting underneath the blankets and snuggling inside them, completely hidden and not allowing balloon to get in it or near him

The salmon object stared down at the coin's nest, his expression softening a little and chuckling quietly

-I don't wanna be alone though... -he mumbled with a little sad tone, poking the coin through the blankets -I'm sorry for teasing you, can I come in now?

The grumpy coin stayed quiet for a moment before sticking a bit of his head out and looking at his boyfriend -... Get me a snack to make up for offending me and I'll consider letting you in... -he pouted, squinting his eyes at Balloon, only half of his head sticking out of the blanket

balloon didn't have to be told twice, he immediately hopped off the bed and got out of the room, being out for about 5 minutes before coming back with 3 bars of dark chocolate; the salmon balloon quickly ran back to the bed, kneeling in front of the small coin who was hiding on the pile of pillows and offering the chocolate to him

nickel stared at Balloon and then at the snacks before sticking his leg out of the blanket and taking the snack with him. He hided inside the blanket again for a minute, looking like he was shuffling around it for a moment before sticking his head out of the blanket again, except this time, he just pulls a bit of the blanket down and shuffles again to make some space for Balloon to get it, not saying a single word. Balloon smiled brightly the moment Nickel let him inside his nest, crawling in it quickly and immediately starting to snuggle with his grumpy boyfriend and kissing his cheek

-...you're really annoying y'know? -nickel grumbled after some moments of silence, his tone sounded mad but the way he snuggled so closely to his boyfriend said otherwise

balloon simply giggled quietly, giving nickel's metal face more soft pecks until he eventually stopped and went back to snuggling his grumpy partner, being used to his grumbles, knowing damn well what he actually meant

-I love you too...


Word count: 881

This is so cringe and bad I'm sorry anywya uhhmm NICKLOON also i posted art on my other book so check that out

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