★ Help Wanted ★

454 11 13

Tags ¦¦ Fluff, Comfort no hurt, first impression, gijinkas, stardew valley AU for my stardew valley pals, #cringe (again), drabble, no beta read


The newbie town farmer finally makes a friend (sorta)


"man... This stupid shop..." certain salmon haired farmer thought to himself, looking at the locked door in front of him

Balloon had woken up early today to get this season's seeds as soon as possible, but he had forgotten the shop was closed on Wednesdays.. Unbelievable!
He sighed in defeat, pressing his forehead against the transparent door, trying to think of what to do now..

-i can't believe i have to do this... -a voice was heard not too far from the salmon haired farmer

Balloon almost immediately turned his head around to look at the place the voice came from, spotting a guy pinning a help wanted note on the town's bulletin board. The man seemed to be the same age as the farmer, wearing a black jacket and a black t-shirt with a white skull on the middle of it. "what an outfit..." balloon thought to himself as he stared at the man trying to pin the sign with one arm, and it seemed to be a prosthetic one too!
The kind farmer couldn't help but feel a strong urge of helping, and maybe there was a good reward for it? It was worth giving it a shot!

-Hey... You need help?... -balloon approached the strange man with a bit of hesitation, he usually limited himself to not speak to anyone unless necessary, so he felt quite nervous he might say something wrong

The man snapped his head around and looked up at the farmer, scanning him from head to toes for what it felt like an eternity for Balloon; "gosh did i mess up already???" Balloon thought, fidgeting with his fingers a bit and starting to sweat a lot too... The man's stare was simply too intense!

-o-oh! Is that a help wanted sign? Do you need something??? -the farmer spoke once again, trying to not make the situation awkward now, hoping the man would speak back this time

The stranger looked at the help wanted sign he was trying to pin as it was mentioned, taking a bit pause before finally saying a word

-I'm trying to pin this stupid sign but It's too difficult with just one hand... -The man mumbled, going back to trying to pin the piece of paper

Balloon had now many more questions, why did he only had one hand? How? What was the thing he needed? What was even his name??!

-well, can I see it? I might be able to help! -the farmer exclaimed, giving the other a cheerful smile and thumbs up
The man paused again, he wasn't really fond on talking to people, he didn't even wanted to make this sign! But it was necessary right now, so he didn't had much choice...

-whatever, take a look... -the man mumbled, handing the farmer the piece of paper with the note

Balloon carefully took the paper and read with enthusiasm, it didn't seemed to be a difficult task, at least not for him.
-I really need a prismatic shard. It's hard to get so I'll let the reward whatever you want to ask for -Nickel; the note read, it actually was quite a difficult task but Balloon happened to have an extra prismatic shard in his house! So this was perfect!

-oh, this is easy, I can help you out on this! -balloon handed the note back to nickel and looked at him with glee, looking like this was the first time he's ever interacted to another person, which was kinda true

-really? Nice shit, thanks.. Uhn... -nickel said, squinting his eyes a bit and looking like he was waiting for some sort of answer

-oh- b-balloon! My name is balloon... -the farmer smiled, holding the note close to his chest, it was honestly like a puppy who just got a nice treat

-thanks, balloon... -nickel mumbled, giving balloon a small smile before simply walking away

The kind farm stared as nickel left, his eyes shinning with joy and he held the piece of paper a bit too tight

How did he never thought about talking to others???


Word count: 680

Something smaller than usual that i wrote last night AAGSHHS!! 1!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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