★ Taking Care Of You ★

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Tags ¦¦ Fluff, Comfort no hurt, Gijinkas, Humanized/Object heads, taking a shower together (non-sexual), established relationship


It was about 3 pm and both boys were in the bathroom right now, Nickel sat on the bathtub without his prosthetics, the warm water reaching just slightly below his shoulders, while Balloon sat on the cold floor besides him, helping nickel get clean


-... I don't understand, wouldn't it be easier if you just, joined me? Aren't you tired of being on the floor? -Nickel grumbled, clearly not happy about being showered by his boyfriend like some little kid

It was about 3 pm and two particular boys were in the bathroom right now, one of them sat on the bathtub without his prosthetics, the warm water reaching just slightly below his shoulders, while the other sat on the cold floor besides him, helping him get clean

The one sitting on the floor frowned a little at the other's complaints. Yes, it would be easier if he got in the shower with his grumpy boyfriend, but this time Balloon wasn't going to give in so easily

-yes nickel, it would be easier if i got in the shower with you, and i would, you know i would, but i already took a shower this morning and when i asked you if you wanted to join me you said no, and I'm not gonna take a shower twice today -the salmon haired Balloon rambled a bit, his voice stern but not enough to accidentally make Nickel think he was mad at him

The coin head simply grumbled again, bringing his knees up to his chest and looking down at the water in shame, a tiny pout on his face as Balloon poured some water on his hair with a plastic cup. It was humiliating, to say the least, but he had already spent about 10 minutes before the shower complaining and trying to convince Balloon to join him, and he didn't wanted to get his partner angry at him, so he sighed defeated and stayed quiet, letting his lover take care of him

Balloon stared at him for a moment

He really didn't want to take a shower twice that day, but god did his boyfriend look so cute right now?
If he had to be honest he felt a bit ashamed to have nickel so spoiled, he knew that nickel was conscious about how weak the other was at him and that he would do almost anything for him... But ultimately... Wasn't that just what Nickel deserved? To feel loved and taken care of?

At the end, he simply sighed

He stood up from the bathroom floor and began striping his clothes off. Nickel looked up for a moment and then quickly looked back down at the water, a small blush appearing across his metal face. Once the salmon one finished taking his clothes off he got inside the bathtub with the other, sitting behind him on it and making Nickel sit comfortably in between his legs for Balloon to easily clean his back

The salmon haired boy took a sponge and began gently scrubbing the coin's back, both boys staying in silence for a while before balloon chuckled softly, breaking their somewhat awkward silence

-you spend like 30 minutes begging me to get in the shower with you but then get all shy and embarrassed once I do? Really? -Balloon teased with a tiny smirk and a raised eyebrow, taking his time to clean his boyfriend's back

-s-shut up-... i-i didn't expect you to actually join me... -Nickel protested, splashing the water with his knees out of embarrassment

The both of them stayed like that for about 5 minutes before Balloon noticed the water getting slightly hotter

-... Nickel I swear to god if you start boiling the water... -Balloon warned his boyfriend as he finished scrubbing his back and started cleaning his hair instead, gently massaging his scalp with his soft hands and being careful not to accidentally tug on it

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