The Lord Resting In The Ocean

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And these waves tumultous rock my boat,
The waves sharp and fearsome.
Oh, I brace myself against the wood,
I am a refuge at your feet.

Gentle waves come to you,
Large dark dreadful waves too touch your feet,
Oh, when shall my luck shine?
What shall this poor maiden do
So the sleeping Lord opens his eyes
And finds mine, drenched in love?

All I have is
this mortal flesh, anklets and a single garment.
So, I dance on these treacherous waves.
My anklets chime against the crashing waters,
My bosom heaves with restlessness,
My eyes fickle as a lost doe.
Oh, beautiful lord, pay me one graceful look.

Dainty feet touch the ocean,
The blues reflect my bold red.
I don the shades of love and passion
And sail the waves of love filled devotion.
The Lord who sleeps
on the coils of Anant Sesha,
Grant me a smile,
Grant me a look.

I no longer care what's right what's wrong.
I came bare to the lap of mother earth,
I am the God's lover,
All of me belongs to him,
My dance, my only offering
Worthy of his eyes only.

I see only darkness,
The treacheorus waves now gentle,
Kiss my cheeks and lull me to sleep.
The anklets are silent,
The shade of love floating amidst the dark waters,
I am at my lover's abode,
I am home.

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