1.1 Introducing the dorms

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"I should introduce myself

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"I should introduce myself. The name's Trey. Trey Clover. I'm a junior at Heartslabyul, like Cater here. Myself, Sol and Cater are all in different classes though." He carefully explained. "You must be Yuu, the new prefect from that dump of a- I mean, the..'rustic' dorm." Despite Trey's clean save, executed perfectly with a smile to top it off, Yuu could sense an almost demeaning tone coming from Trey?

"I heard the whole story from Cater. Thanks for looking out for our boys yesterday." He expressed his own gratitude, if not for Yuu, Riddle would've gone berserk knowing that those events were orchestrated by two Heartslabyul students, first years or not.

Despite Trey seemingly calming nature, Ace couldn't be a bit perturbed at the presence of both Cater and Trey. Even Sol he wasn't too sure of, only tolerating him since he did save Yuu, Grim's and Deuce's asses from getting beat. He isn't even sure why Yuu seems so chummy with a housewarden in the first place, hasn't it only been like two days since Orientation? Ace, himself, isn't even that chummy with HIS housewarden so how did Yuu suck up to a different dormitory's housewarden? Granted, his own housewarden was a complete psychopath who beheads people willy nilly, but that's besides the point.

"I dont recall inviting you to sit with us..." Ace vocalised his own thoughts to which Cater gives out a faux gasp at Ace's audacity.

"Hey now! We're all from the same dorm, right? Let's try to get along. Here, gimme your digits." Cater proposed, waving his phone in his hand.

"Yeah, no." Yuu immediately rejected. Firstly, he didn't have a phone. Secondly, he definitely wouldn't give it to Cater who pretty much kicked him out on their first encounter.

"Cater. You're freaking out the freshmen. Maybe take it down a notch?" Trey reprimanded Cater from the other side of the table.

"Ha! Sorry! I can get a little extra sometimes. What were we talking about...." He stops trying to recall the conversation before the two of them jumped in. "..The dorms, yeah? Ah, what fun to mentor new students! Go ahead, A-M-A"

"I don't think I've ever heard anyone say ..A..MA outloud in real life.." Sol mutters under his breath.

Before Cater could continue chattering on, Ace chimed in. "Before you get into the other dorms, I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about ours. Like, what's the deal with all this 'Queen of Hearts rule number whatever' junk?"

"I'm sure one of the two Heartslabyul juniors could answer that better than I can." Sol suggested, allowing for either Cater or Trey to take centre stage.

"You're familiar with the legendary Queen of Hearts already, right? She had to rule over a kingdom of weirdos, and did it by emphasising order and making strict rules." Trey explained, reteaching them the Queen of Heart's history for both Grim and Yuu.

"Our dorm, Heartslabyul, is a homage to her." Cater chirped, piping into the conversation. "By tradition, we wear armbands with the red and black of the Queen's dress and we live by the rules she created. The degree to which we adhere to the rules depends on the sitting housewarden. Past wardens have been much more lax."

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