1.3 Frightening foresight

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As soon as Riddle left, a wave of relief washed over the Heartslabyul students

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As soon as Riddle left, a wave of relief washed over the Heartslabyul students. Loud murmurs sounded throughout the room. Each whispered about how lucky or unlucky they were when getting caught.

"Riddle managed to secure the housewarden title before the end of his very first week at school. I know he can come off a bit harsh, but he's not a bad guy. Everything he does, he does because he thinks it'll improve the dorm." Despite Trey's comforting words, considering the events that just occurred, it seemed a little hard for the first year group to believe.

"May I ask why you chose to join me then?" Riddle questioned, still taking long strides to the school store, or as long of strides as Riddle could take. "I was just going to purchase sugar cubes, I see no real need for you to accompany me."

Sol merely hummed, "I was planning on making a new piece in my free time today. Needed to restock a couple of gouache paints plus I ran out on some smaller canvas'." He replied as a soothing silence fell over them.

As they neared closer to Sam's store, Sol decided to speak up. "So, how many did you behead this morning?" Sol asks casually as if it was a normal topic between two teenage boys.

"37. It's almost as if people don't understand how to use an alarm properly. Surely, it isn't hard to just wake up on time." Riddle began ranting, going on about how the new Heartslabyul freshmen are an unruly bunch. Some were eating burgers on Tuesdays, some were picking flowers on Wednesdays, entering rooms through doors on Fridays, the list goes on.

"Perhaps you should go easier on them. They are only first years." Sol proposed, though with hesitance, obviously knowing how this conversation will unfold.

"Are you really questioning my authority for a second time?" Riddle sneered. "If I let one mistake slip, the rest of the card soldiers will follow suit. I find it offensive that you would even ask that." Riddle scrunched his face, feeling himself grow red. Sol merely chuckled lightly, rubbing Riddle's face where his eyebrows were scrunched.

"Don't do that now, you get wrinkles."

Soundlessly they entered the store, Riddle set off perusing the store in search of sugar cubes. Sol scanned each of the shelfs, looking for some more paints to replace his old ones. Perhaps he'll do some watercolours rather than simple acrylics? Maybe he'll visit the botanical gardens to check on his strawberries and some inspirations. As he thought about what his next work would be, his thoughts began to trail off. He started thinking about Heartslabyul and how Riddle's tyranny has practically spread throughout the entire school.

In order to even ask about getting the collar off of his neck, Ace would AT LEAST need to provide a replacement tart, though just from observing the first year group for some reason, Sol gets the feeling that it'll be a lot easier said than done. Even if the first year students don't even know of the existence of the rules, Riddle is rigid, opting to simply just collar them and move on.

Gathering his items, mostly pertaining to various art supplies, he paid for them and said his goodbyes to Riddle, who was still trying to find a specific brand of sugar.

"Petal, I'm going to head out now. I'll see you at the Unbirthday party?"

"Yes, hope to see you soon."

"I'll definitely be there then that being said.....don't say I didn't warn you." Sol muttered the last part under his breath, leaving the store quickly regardless of Riddle's confused face. A downcast look appeared on Sol's face. Even though Riddle's actions come from a place of warmth, anyone can see that they also actively hurt those around him.

After school had finished, Sol returned back to the dorms to put down his stuff. However, what was meant to be a simple trip back and forth from his dorm room to the botanical gardens, went astray when he stepped outside of his own room.

"Hey! Housewarden can you help with my homework?"

"Housewarden how would you transcribe this?"

"Solli! Do you think this blue jacket would go well on me?"

"So housewarden, do you know if there are any alternatives to a gecko's tail with this?"

As soon as he exited his room, he was pretty much hounded by his dorm members, each with a different question. Some asking for fashion advice, some asking for academic help and some plainly asking just stupid questions. Back and forth, he was pulled in different directions, so much for a peaceful one way trip. The last thing he wanted to do was babysit his dorm members. Although Alaterne had the reputation of being cold and a little condescending, for some reason as soon as their housewarden returns, the dorm becomes the next fire hazard.

He was pretty much being given a bunch of side quests that he had never asked for. Tedious task after tedious task. Menial work after menial work. It would just never end. Just what he asked for. It's not the worst thing though Sol supposes. At least his dorm members actively need him, that knowledge gives him slight butterflies. He does enjoy helping out others though he does wish that the tasks that were asked for weren't so..brainless.

After arguably too many mindless tasks, Sol slumped back on his chair and picked up his sketchbook and a set of various pencils.

Setting off to the botanical gardens, Sol wanted to check on the newly grown strawberries and perhaps start some warmup sketches while it was still quiet. The botanical gardens were filled to the brim with a variety of different flora. From potentially poisonous plants and mushrooms to cute, little lilacs. Curiously, amongst the bushes and along the stone pathway, Sol could see a familiar tail slowly swishing. Going over to the tail, Sol could see Leona casually resting, his eyes closed. Although Leona seemed as though he was sleeping, his ears twitched at Sol's footsteps. Sol strolled over to where Leona was resting and sat next to him, taking out a sketchbook and some pencils.

Adjusting his position, Leona wordlessly shifted his head over to Sol, then proceeded to close his eyes once more. A peaceful silence fell over them as the only noises heard were water sprinklers of the botanical garden and the soft scratches of Sol's pencil.

Leona simply laid there, occasionally peeking an eye open to see what Sol was doing before resting his eyes again.

Sol began a sketch of the scenery, quickly making messy lines resembling the expansive flora around them before erasing them and starting all over. Again and again he did this. Sometimes the flowers were a little more to the right, occasionally a little more to the left, never quite how exact Sol would've liked.

No words said yet no words needed.

Everything was peaceful.

That is until the door slammed open.

"Check this place out!"

There goes the familiar voice of a certain fiery cat.

There goes the familiar voice of a certain fiery cat

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Word count:1187

Edited?: No

A lot more of Sol this chapter! Next up is more plot focused though don't worry~

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