Chapter 1. Just a Chill Day

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*Still in highschool*

It was a normal day in Overland Park Kansas, Skyler and the rest of the group were in high school on their fourth year, close to graduation day. Skyler’s class had just ended and she was heading to her locker. She was looking for her notebook and homework for her next class  when Sam scared her, she jumped and hit Sam.

Skyler: SAM!!
Sam: What
Skyler: Your so mean (She laughed as Sam laughed then Colby joined)
Colby: Hey guys
Skyler: H-hey Colby 
Sam: Hey bro, got plans for after school
Colby: Nah, why
Skyler: Sam wanted to head to the mall today
Sam: Skyler!! Well yeah she’s right, so…
Colby: Yeah sure, What about Jake
Sam: He agreed

    Skyler was happy to be going to the mall with Colby, well not alone but still Colby will be there. The classes went by as normal and she went home with Sam to get ready to head to the mall. Skyler got ready first and was about to head out.

Skyler: Ok mom I’m heading out to the mall now
Skyler: Mom the mall isn’t that far
Mom: No, wait for Sam
Skyler: Fine, I’ll wait 

She waited for Sam to be ready and the two of them walked to the mall to meet up with Colby and Jake. When they got to the mall they saw Colby, and Skyler got really happy.

Colby: Hey guys turns out Jake couldn’t make it last minute
Skyler: Oh, I guess it’s just us today

    The three of them set up the camera and started to make the stupid little videos that made them happy. After making the videos they stayed in the mall for a while still walking around for a bit. After about an hour of walking in the mall Skyler and Sam went home. Skyler was sad to be heading home, but she knew that the sooner she got home the sooner she could see Colby again at school.

    The next day at school Skyler and Sam got there early. So early the school doors weren’t open, they went to a park close by and hung out there. A few minutes later Colby and Jake came, Skyler’s heart jumped. She stayed on swings while Sam talked to the other boys, they talked for a while leaving Skyler out. When the school doors opened Sam and Jake headed to the school without letting Skyler know, while Colby stayed behind and walked over to her.

Colby: Hey silly
Skyler: Huh?
Colby: School just opened come on (Colby held his hand out for her to take)
Skyler: (She took his hand and he helped her up) Thanks for letting me know Colby
Colby: Yeah of course (Skyler and Colby walk to the school)
Skyler: So what you up to today (she seemed nerves)
Colby: Nothing much, you? 
Skyler: Well just staying home, you know how my mom is can’t go out on my own without Sam
Colby: What if you went with me 
Skyler: Well, I don’t know
Colby: How about you trying going out with me today
Skyler: To where
Colby: The park (they reach the school)
Skyler: Yeah of course I’ll let you know what she later (she walks to her class)
Colby: Alright see you later

    Skyler texted her mom then went on with her day. She went to each of her classes and went to Colby with so much happiness. Her mom had texted back and she wanted to tell Colby. She ran up to Colby, scaring both him and Sam. 

Skyler: Colby!!!
Colby: Geez Sky  
Skyler: I have the best news in the world Colby you won’t believe it
Sam: What the heck is happening
Colby: You get to go 
Skyler: Yes!!!
Sam: What? Can someone tell me what the hell?
Colby: That’s great 
Skyler: I know right
Sam: Am I not here? Hello, can one of you two tell me
Skyler: Me and Colby get to hang out alone without having to take you
Colby: No offense Sam 
Sam: What? Mom is letting this happen
Skyler: Mhm

Sam looked confused on how this happened but if Skyler said their mom agreed then he was ok. The day went on as normal and when school ended Skyler and Colby walked to the park and talked.

Skyler: So what do you wanna do when we get there
Colby: Honestly I don’t know, does your mom track your phone 
Skyler: No she doesn't, why?
Colby:  To go to the mall instead which is gonna be more fun
Skyler: Oh ok, wait what if she asked me what we did
Colby: The playground, say we hung out there for a bit then went on a walk
Skyler: Wow your your good, I would’ve never thought of that

Colby laughed then they started to walk to the mall. When they got to the mall they walked around, took photos and videos, and got snacks. They had an amazing time together and made memories they will never forget.

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