Chapter 11. The Party

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Skyler was looking through all the stuff she had packed to see if she had anything she could possibly wear to the party she was going to. She had found a black tub top and a matching skirt that hugged her hips, the skirt reached up to her knees. She got dressed in it, did her makeup and hair, put her heels on, then headed to find Jason. When Jason saw her his jaw dropped. He was dressed in normal casual clothes but still looked like he was going to a party.

Jason: Damn babe….you
Skyler: Really? It’s not to much
Jason: No no it’s alright….I love it
Skyler: (she blushed) T-thank you
Jason: So you ready to go
Skyler: Yeah….wait are we going on your bike
Jason: What no silly we’re taking my car
Skyler: Oh..
Jason: Why did you want to?
Skyler: NO….no

Jason laughed and took her hand and led her to the car. He opened the car door for her and she sat in the car while he came around the car to the driver's seat. Skyler was looking out the window as he was driving when all of a sudden she felt his hand on her thigh. She was shocked by this and jumped a little, he chuckled a little. Skyler’s face goes red and Jason doesn't move his hand for the whole ride. When he parks the car he goes around and opens the car door for her and helps her out the car. The music from inside the house can be heard from outside as Jason puts his hand around her waist as they walk to the door. The door was wide open and the two of them just walked in and his friend greeted them and introduced him to Skyler. For the rest of the party Skyler stayed behind not knowing anyone but Jason, he was having the time of his life talking to everyone and Skyler was clinging onto him trying not to get lost. She was seeing him do crazy things like vaping and drinking. She did a bit of drinking too but was shocked to see all the crazy things he does. After a while a friend of Jason stopped him from doing anything else and told him to go home. Jason didn’t want to but then he points out that Skyler seemed to be alone the whole time and she became hella drunk. He also said it was a good idea for him to stop drinking so he did and walked over to Skyler who was having trouble standing.

Jason: Skyler, baby come on let’s go home
Skyler: How about…no I don’t wanna
Jason: Skyler come on look at you
Skyler: NoOoOo
Jason: (he picks her up over his shoulder and takes her to the car)
Skyler: NoOoOoOo let me goOoOoOo
Jason: Babe stop it
Skyler: Yoooooou are b-big meanie
Jason: (he laughs) You are to much right now let’s get you to my house

Jason quickly covered her mouth and shocked his head. He put her in the car and put her seatbelt on, closed the door and went to the driver's seat. Halfway through the drive he found her drunken body passed out he chuckled at the sight of her. He thought he was a lot worse but just seeing her just made him chuckle. He got to his house and picked her up and took her inside. He laid her down on the bed and made sure that she was comfortable. He couldn’t believe that Skyler got this drunk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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