Chapter 7. "What did you say"

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Skyler had already unpacked her things after arriving in LA a couple weeks ago. She was honestly exhausted from walking up and down the stairs, lifting up heavy boxes, putting all her stuff away and decorating her new apartment. She honestly couldn’t believe that Colby went through the trouble of changing the name of the apartment from his to hers. The apartment was honestly beautiful. She was laying in her bed and finally relaxing for once, she heard her front door open she knew it had to be Sam she had given him the spare key. She had also asked him and Colby to stop by and pick up the rest of her boxes since her body was hurting and she didn’t want to run the stairs a million times. “Sky we’re here to pick up your stuff” Skyler yelled alright and told them the boxes we’re in the living room. Skyler soon heard her phone ringing. It was her best friend Athena she was happy to be seeing her calling. She didn’t care if she looked like she just got hit by a bus, this was her best friend she’s seen look worse then what she does now.

Skyler: Heyyyyy long time no see girl
Athena: Yeah it feels like forever, what’s LA like
Skyler: It’s cool haven’t been anywhere yet though unpacking takes forever I literally just finished now
Athena: Damn girl 
Skyler: Yeah I know, but look how cute my room is
Athena: It is so you
Skyler: I would show you around but my brother and his friend are taking out all of boxes I have and I’m way too comfortable to move
Athena: I can tell (she giggled) I miss you Kansas isn’t the same without you
Skyler: I miss you too
[Skyler hears the sound of a door being thrown open it was Athena’s older brother]
Athena: Jaaaaasooooon, get out of my room 
Jason: Who’s that on the phone
Athena: It’s my friend Skyler, you remember her from middle school
Jason: Oh yeah

Jason came on camera and oh lord was he good looking. Not only was his voice deep, he really had a glow up. Back in middle school he was scrawny and short but now he looks pretty tall but it was hard to tell through the camera. He did still have a really cute jawline that was more defined now than it was back then, especially with that short beard that was only on his jaw. And his hair was shorter back then but he had tons of it now and it was very fluffy. It was easy to tell that he goes to the gym more often now as the outline of his abs were visible through his shirt. He also was a bit of a nerd back then but now he was the hot emo boy that everyone just wanted. Jason had a few scars here and there, but they didn’t look that bad on his caramel skin. This had Skyler blushing red. Skyler started to remember the big crush she had on him back in middle school. But wait she liked Colby now. Wait, did she like both of the guys at the same time?

Jason was also surprised to see what she looked like now a small blush creeped on his cheeks. Back then Skyler was very much a shy little nerd, with blonde hair and blue piercing eyes. She just looked like any other girl. But now she had a defined figure and a cute little face. Her hair was now platinum blonde and had the most adorable style. She wears a lot of oversized stuff but when she doesn’t oh lord could you see her figure. At the time of Jason seeing her she was in a white tank top with an oversized flannel over it, she also had a beanie on. He couldn’t see the bottom half of her but she sure liked what he saw so far. 

Jason: Damn, you grew up a lot
Skyler: You did too silly
Jason: Yeah I guess
Athena: Jason stop trying to still my friend (she pushed him away)
Jason: Ok ok I’m going
[he left the room]
Athena: I saw that blush on your face girl, don’t tell me you still have a crush on my brother
Skyler: (her blush grew) WHAT no
[Colby gets close to the door]
Athena: From the look my brother gave you he likes you to
Skyler: Athena stop I don’t like him
Athena: That blush on your face says something else sister
[Colby stays by the door to hear what’s happening]
Skyler: Jason isn’t even my type
Athena: WHAT since when, now? (she laughed) cuz back then GIRL you were head over heels for him
Skyler: Well I was stupid back then
Athena: Yeah I don’t know what you saw in his ass back then, so don’t be stupid now I know he's my brother and all but I’m just saying what every girl tells me, his hot now and you two would look hella cute together
Skyler: I…I don’t know cuz of the whole long distance thing
Athena: I get that but come on
[Skyler spotted Colby]
Skyler: Colby?
Colby: Yeah um we finished and Sam wanted to know if you wanna go out
Skyler: Yeah sure

She said her goodbyes to Athena then hung up. Skyler didn’t know what it was but Colby had a slight tone of jealousy when he spoke. Did Colby hear their conversion? Wait, why would Colby be jealous? Colby didn’t even know why he was jealous, he didn’t know who this Jason guy was but he really didn’t want him to have Skyler. But he knew Skyler had a mind of her own and can choose who she wants but all he wished for was Skyler to pick him.

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