Chapter 3. Prom

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Skyler was sitting in her room thinking about prom. She honestly didn’t know what to do, she knew Sam would be inviting his girlfriend Katrina, or Kat for short,  who went to a different school to their prom. Jake also had a girlfriend he would also be bring, Tara. That just leaves her and Colby the only two single ones of the group, she wanted to ask him to go with her but she was too scared. That's when Sam came through the door and scared the living daylights out of her.

Skyler; SAMMM!!! OH MY GOD
Sam: Sorry, just  wanted to tell you to hurry up and get ready we’re going out
Skyler: To where
Sam: To get outfits for prom silly, the whole group is going including my and Jake’s girlfriends
Skyler: No I think I’ll sit out prom
Sam:WAIT!!! You were so excited when we started the year what changed now
Skyler: All of you guys have a date to go with and I don’t and I don’t wanna be a third wheel
Sam: Colby doesn’t have a date and his going
Skyler: That’s just, it’s different for a girl they dream about matching their date and getting a one of those little flower things from their date and all that stuff
Sam: I’ll see what I can do about that but come on at least just look what the dresses
Sklyer: FINE, I’ll go

SKyler got ready to go and met Sam outside along with everyone else, she was surprised to see them all there. Everyone went in different cars, Sam and Kat in one, Jake and Trara in the other. Colby told Skyler that they can take his car, and with that everyone drove off to go get prom outfits. When they got to the first store Skyler stayed back letting everyone pick and try different things while she let them know if it looked good or not. Away from all that Sam and Colby had a one on one talk.

Sam: Colby, you don’t got a date to Prom right
Colby: Yeah? Why?
Sam: Take my sister as your date
Colby: BRO WHAT!!?? Nah man that’s weird
Sam: Just do it as friends, look I want her to have a good last year of high school and this is something that she’s been looking forward to when we were kids and she doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t have a date
Colby: So you want me to ask her to prom as a friend
Sam: Yeah just so she could go and have no regrets of not going
Colby: Fine I’ll do it

Colby walked off from Sam and went over to where Skyler was sitting. She was sitting by the window looking out. Colby’s heart started racing. What was this feeling he had all of a sudden? Was he nervous?  But why? He didn’t like Skyler in that way, right? Skyler looked even more beautiful than she usually  does at that moment, he felt his get warm. Was he blushing? Colby didn’t know what was wrong with him and tried to ignore it, so he went to Skyler and sat next to her. Her ocean blue eyes looked into his eyes and his blush grew.

Colby: Uh Skyler I have um a question for you
Skyler: Ok what is it
Colby: Um so since we both don’t have dates to prom would you like to go with me?.....As a friend of course I don’t wanna make things awkward between us
Skyler: (Her cheeks grew red) I uh sure
Colby: Great (He smiled in relief and held his hand out for her to take) come on let’s go get you an outfit
Skyler: (She took his hand) Ok 

The whole group went to different stores to look for THE outfit for prom, after almost an hour of shopping everyone found the outfits they wanted. Skyler was happy to be going to prom with Colby yeah it was only as friends but still it’s something. The weeks go by and prom finally comes around. Sam had got ready early and left to go pick up Kat, Skyler was left alone and sat in bed for a while until she was what time it was. Skyler got up from her bed and hurried to get ready, when she got out of the shower she heard a knock on the door. “MOM CAN YOU GET THE DOOR” she yelled from the top of the stairs then ran to her room to get ready, when her mom answered the door she saw Colby at the door. Colby waited downstairs for Skyler to walk down the stairs. A couple hours went by and Skyler walked down the stairs in a beautiful dark blue flowy dress that just complimented her figure perfectly,it was backless and there was a slit in the dress that showed off her leg and upper thigh, the collar of her dress was also pretty open. Colby’s face went red.

Colby: Skyler……just wow
Skyler: What is it to much
Colby: NO! I mean no you look good
Skyler: (She blushed) Thanks, you look good to Colby
Colby: (He took out a purple hydrangea corsages) Here I got this 
Skyler: Oh my gosh Colby thank you

Colby put the corsage on her hand. She was so happy today was the best day of her life. Colby took her hand and helped her outside and into his car, he didn’t notice how soft her hand was till now. He honestly didn’t know how to feel he had a pretty girl in his car and the pretty girl was his best friend's sister. What would he do? All he hoped was that nothing unexpected happens if you know what I mean. He drove to the location of prom and walked her inside to meet everyone else. After talking with them a bit Sam and Jake took their girlfriends onto the dance floor leaving Skyler and Colby. They sat at one of the tables talking and joking around having a good time watching everyone's stuff. Soon enough the song for the slow dance and Skyler’s friends start to pull her and Colby to the dance floor.

Friend #1: Come on just dance this once
Skyler: We can’t we’re watching everyone's things 
Colby: I mean one dance wouldn’t hurt

Skyler looked Colby in the eyes and blushed realizing he wanted to dance with her, her friends watched their stuff and Colby took her hand and walked her to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, good thing she had heels on cuz if not she wouldn’t be able to reach his neck. They slowly danced to the song and she laid her head on his chest as they did Skyler didn’t want it to end neither did Colby. This truly was the best night of their lives.

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