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Felix inhaled sharply, his face blank as he stared at his father. He should have foreseen this. His hands balled into fists and he exhaled as his heart raced in his chest. There was no use in arguing about this, he knew that he had a duty to the kingdom and he had to follow his father's decisions.

"When do they arrive?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"In a couple of days," his father replied, the tone of his voice so cold it made Felix flinch. "When they arrive, we'll have your engagement celebrations and start planning the wedding."

"I see," Felix said, trying his best to keep his voice steady. His mouth felt dry and his chest tight. "What's... What's their name?"

"His name is Dongyul. He's the youngest prince of the west and around your age," his father said plainly and Felix nodded, unable to find the right words to use. "I have discussed this with the council and we have agreed that he's a good match for you."

Felix nodded again, his head low.

"You must understand that this union would be invaluable for us," his father said.

Felix pressed his lips together, not replying. He could hear the heavy sigh that fell from his father's lips and guilt was starting to build up in his gut. He shouldn't be acting so selfish right now. He knew how powerful the kingdom in the west was; a union between him and a prince of the west would be a great opportunity. It would protect his people.


"What if I don't want to?" Felix asked, his voice wavering and he hesitated before looking up to meet his father's gaze.

The moment they locked eyes, Felix regretted his decision.

His father was staring at him with empty eyes, his facial muscles tense. Felix's heart was beginning to race in his chest and he took a shuddering breath.

"You are to get married with Prince Dongyul," his father said, voice so harsh Felix flinched. "This is not something I'm willing to discuss with you, Felix."

So you don't care about me, was what Felix wanted to say. But the words remained unspoken and he simply nodded. His chest felt tight and he had to focus on just breathing. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. He wanted to be anywhere but here. He stared down at his feet, waiting for his father to speak.

"You are dismissed," was all his father said.

Felix's heart dropped like a stone. He took a deep breath and met his father's eyes.

"You've changed," he said, his voice trembling. "Ever since mother died."

"Felix," his father warned.

"I'll marry Prince Dongyul," Felix said, his voice cracking just the slightest. "But know that not even your son can recognize you anymore." He turned around and began to leave, his steps quick. When he reached the door, he paused and turned back to look at his father. "You're no longer the man who raised me." He swallowed hard. "Maybe he died when my mother did."

He slammed the door behind him.

Felix's chest felt tight and he knew he was going to break down into tears at any moment. His footsteps echoed down the marbled hallway as he rushed towards his room. Tears were stinging in his eyes but he forced himself to keep his head high. He was the prince and he would not let himself be overwhelmed.

"Your highness," Jeongin, one of the servants, greeted as Felix approached. As he stopped, he dusted his hands off on the dark gray apron he was wearing over his uniform, leaving faint flour marks. He shook his head a bit to get his black, curly bangs out of his face. "Are-" He glanced around the hallway. "Are you okay?"

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