Chapter 1

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It was my first year. mine and every other 12-18 year olds names were bing chosen to die. mother said I shouldn't speak that way but it's true. only one person from district 12 has ever won and now he's a drunk. weather I liked it or not I was already on my way so I couldn't go now. katness promised that I wouldn't be chosen but it doesn't make me feel better. she wasn't picking the names ,some over dressed woman from the capital was, so how does she know? She doesn't need to worry anymore now this is her last year so her names probably right at the bottom. anyway it's time.
"Hello everyone and happy hunger games!" A very cheerful and over dressed lady shouted.
"Now a message from the capital" she motioned to a large screen that had begun playing a video. I had begun watching it when I was nudged in the side.
"Hey that hurt" I whispered
"Is it true your sister is going to volunteer if you get chosen?" A pale girl with long black hair asked.
I didn't know how to respond. in fear I would get caught talking I just shrugged my shoulders.
"I wish my sister was like that. your sister is so brave!" she whispered then looked back at the screen.
I wanted to be the one people were amazed by for being brave. I was thinking for a while then was snapped out of my trance when the lady from the capital said
"Ok as usual ladies first"
She dug her hand in the large bowl of names, she quickly retreated with a single slip of paper.
"Katness everdeen"
I gasped and everyone looked at her. when I saw Katness' pail face being to walk to the stage I froze and without thinking shouted
" I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"
Everyone gasped. I was shocked myself but Katness' face dropped
"No! Prim! No you're so stupid! Please don't do this! Don't do it Prim!" She yelled.
It was too late. I began to walk towards the stage and saw my mums eyes already puffy from crying.
"Don't be shy tell everyone your name" the lady from the capital said
"P..Primrose Everdeen"
I stuttered
This was it I was in the hunger games.
Lemmie know what you think of this and be sure to give me some ideas for the next chapter.

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