Chapter 3

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There I was standing on the platform.
"How about a big round of applause for district 12 two tributes, primrose everdeen and peeta mellark!" The capital lady cheers as if we had won a prize. this was no prize this was the hunger games! Who on earth could be so happy about people dying? Wait no, children dying?!
Nevertheless no one clapped they instead did our signal and kissed their three middle fingers then raised them into the air.
The next thing I knew I was being dragged into a small dark room. the only light was from a single window on the wall.
"You have 2 minutes don't waste it" a peacekeeper shouted as he practically threw my mum and sister into the room. katness leaped at me and hugged me tightly.
"You're so stupid prim why would you do that I could have handled it....." she yelled
"Katness leave her!" My mother interrupted "what she needs now is encouragement!"
"Prim you've watched me hunt you know what to do! Don't get a weapon straight away run to the forest and get food!" Katness said still shaking and half crying . to be honest I was still bawling myself.
"Katness I can't win this! I won't win this! I love you both and I know you think differently but I CANT WIN!" I yelled.
I silenced them both by saying this but felt guilty. I shouldn't have said it but I did and it was true.
"Time up" a peacekeeper yelled and dragged my mother and sister away. they were both yelling I love you and crying but it was all becoming to real for me that was about to die! In 3 weeks I won't be here. I have to stop this the thought of it all was making me dizzy. it was time to get in the train now anyway. the train to the capital and my end.

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