13. Perfectly happy

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We sit down next to a window. He didn't lie. The view is truly lovely. There are no clouds and you can see the sea and some of the mountains. I can even see the sun setting far in the distance at the horizon.
I take another look around. Somehow, this place feels like he does. It's like his personality is spread through this restaurant. Calm, warm, and cosy, just like him.
"Here's the menu." The waitress says.
"Thank you." We both answer.
"So, what do you want to eat?" Lando asks after a few minutes of studying the menu.
"I don't know, can I have chicken with potatoes and salad, or is it not special enough?"
"Of course, you can eat whatever you want, Kayla. It doesn't need to be special at all."
"Found something you wanna drink?"
"Good idea, but I have to drive, so it's water for me," he smiles "but you can have one, as long as you won't take too many and get drunk"
"Drunk? Me? Naaahh, never." I say in a sarcastic voice.

We order and get into talking. About the past. About the old karting days, where we used to compete against each other. About family. About F1. Life, the good and bad aspects and moments. About how we imagine the future of the world, of F1 and of us. About living life at your fullest and never thinking about the future too much, but living right here and now. Just like we are doing at this very moment.
We've finished our food a long time ago, but we both don't want this moment to end, it's just too beautiful.
It's almost 1am. That's when they close. They kindly ask us to drink up. We do. I sigh and take a last look at the beautiful view and around the restaurant. He notices, "you know, we can come back here whenever you like." "What I'd give to live here." I sigh "Yeah, it truly is lovely here." He looks back at where we sat one last time.
Lando pays. We kinda had an argument about who pays, but he insisted on paying because it was his idea. I didn't want to have an argument, so I just gave up. Lando is stubborn. Me too, but I guess I'll just let him win this time.

We walk back to the car. My one hand holds his, the other one the flowers he gave me earlier. I have way too much energy. I feel so happy. I don't know why I thought that anything could go wrong. I'm perfectly happy.
"You have too much energy, Kayla" he laughed at me, skipping around.
"I'm just...I'm just happy" I smile at him.
"Alright then, race to the car. 3. 2. 1. Go."
"Ayy, that's not fair, I wasn't prepared." I scream at his back. He, of course, reaches the car before I do.
"Don't say anything, Lando." I say, as I reach the car and him smiling, proud of his win.
The drive back was pretty much like the time at the restaurant. Talking about the most random stuff that doesn't make sense or is important at all.
"Wanna stay at mine tonight? I can show you my apartment, if you like."
"Sure, why not."
We head to the hotel, so I can pick some stuff of mine. I walk past the mirror in my room, I stood before earlier, overthinking this. I flipped my mirror me off, took my stuff, and walk back to Lando, who was waiting in the car.
"Let's go," I say. I was tired now. All of that energy I had earlier is gone, and I am sure I'll sleep like a rock, or however that saying goes.
Due to the slow traffic in Monaco's streets during race weeks, we go slow, which makes me nap somehow. As Lando stops the car, he touches my shoulder, gently shaking me.
"Hey, Kayla, we're here." His voice is calm, but I can sense that he is tired too. But I'm too tired, due to lack of sleep the last nights. I fall asleep as he leaves the car.

Lando POV

Kayla is asleep. God, she looks too peaceful to wake her up now. I pick up her bag and her, and carry her upstairs.
I put her on the bed. I decide to shower quickly and change into comfortable clothes. When I get back into the bedroom, Kayla changed into a hoodie and joggers, too. She fell asleep again. I get in bed too. Once I lay down, I let out a sigh. But it's a relieving sigh. I regret overthinking the possible outcomes of this evening earlier, I thought about the future too much.

Kayla POV
I was able to change into comfy clothes. But I did it with my eyes closed because I was so tired. I felt how Lando let himself fall into bed. I got closer to his warm body and cuddled onto his side. He wrapped his arm around me, and I guess I fell asleep next.

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