19. Just you and me

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Lando POV

After finishing the talk with my engineer, I head to my room to grab my phone.
I walk to the cafeteria building at the end of the paddock. When I meet Alex and Lily, I stop for a quick chat.
"Hey Lando, we just talked to Kayla in the cafeteria." Alex greets me.
"Hi guys, yeah, that's where I'm headed."
"Alright, have fun and good luck in the race." Alex says, not wanting to disturb me.
"You too, see you guys." I give him a pat on the back when walking past the two.
"Bye," they shout simultaneously.
I wave, smile at them being in sync, and walk over to the cafeteria. When entering, a masked up guy runs out of the building. Who tf-? I don't bother, remembering who I'm here for.
Nothing against Oscar, but I hope they take their time, giving Kayla and me a little time to chat, and just be together. Because that's what I love.
I can't see her anywhere, so I walk over to the bar since there usually is someone. "Hellooo," i call out for somebody to hear me. After a few seconds, a nice man showes up and tells me that he is sorry. I ask him if Kayla is here. He tells me that she went upstairs, not knowing if she had left already.
I make my way upstairs when I see her.

A miserable heap leaning against a wall. She is crying, shaking, and breathing heavily. She jumps when she hears me and looks at me with fear in her eyes. I stand there for a few seconds, not knowing how to react best. I walk over to her and bend down, trying to look her in the eyes. In vain. "Look at me, Kayla." I try to calm her down. It doesn't work.
I sit down next to her, grab her shaking wrists, stroking her arm gentle, and turn her over to me slightly. She looks at the floor the whole time, still struggling to breathe.
"Kayla, I need you to copy my breathing, alright?" She doesn't nod or shake her head, nothing. I take her chin gently, moving it up a little, making her look at me. Her eyes are swollen, and fear is written in them.
"Copy me, Kayla." I tell her again. This time, she slowly nods. Her chest is heaving fast. I try to do the opposite.
"Breathe in. And breathe out." I demonstrate it a few times, her looking at my chest and face alternately.
It is working... a little bit.

Kayla POV

Him desperately trying to calm me down works. Not much but enough for me to breathe better. He still holds my chin, making me look at him.
He has fear in his eyes, or is it concern? Something in between. I now know he cares about me.
He hands me a tissue. I'm wiping the tears, which have been streaming down my face, away. He watches every movement of mine carefully.
"Better now?" He asks. The concern is still showing in his face.
I nod, not knowing if I'd be able to form any words.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Lando asks with a calm voice.
The flashbacks hit me, and I feel my legs trembling. He puts his hand on my leg, trying to make the shaking stop. He and his body have a calming impact on me that I can't even describe.
"Your choice."
"Nothing is going to happen, just you and me."
"There was a man," I finally let out.
"What man?" He says calm, trying not to make me panic again.
"He touched me, Lando, and I couldn't do anything." I mumble.
"He did what?" He now loses his cool."I'm gonna beat the shit out of him. You know him?"
"No." My answers are short. My breathing  calmed but still feels weird.
"Did he wear all black and a facemask? Because I saw someone coming out of the building." he concludes.
"Mmh, and cap" I add.
"So he touched you?"
I nod, feeling a knot forming in my neck.
"Did he say or do anything else?"
"Final warning." I kept it short.
"Kayla- fuuuck. You know this is bad." His eyes show concern.
I nod. Remembering the mans hands on my body, the disgusting feeling. It's all different with Lando. His touch is the complete opposite.
Tears reform in my eyes due to the thoughts of what happened, replaying again and again in my head. Lando notices and pulls me closer, into a hug. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes, trying to erase it out of my mind.

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