18. Final warning

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Walking outside the paddock, the hot afternoon sun is shining bright, making me regret wearing Lando's hoodie. (Ignore the fact that it wasn't hot on race day this year)
While walking, I sign a few fans' pictures and take some with them.

Arriving at the cafeteria, I am happy that I can leave the hectic paddock behind me. I search for the buffet, and finding and walking towards it, I get greeted by Alex and Lily.
"Hey Kaylaa"they say at the same time, Lily and I hug.
"Hey guys", of course Alex gets a little hug too.
"Where did you leave your teammates?" Alex asks, hoping for a little chat with Lando.
"No Idea, somewhere with his engineer, I guess." I forgot, I have the brain of a bread or something.
"Alright, tell them we said hi."
"Will do" I give him a thumps up.
"Thanks, bye " he says as they both wave while walking towards the exit.
"Good luck aleex" I scream.
"Thank youuuu" he answers while leaving the building.

Now I am alone in this level of the building, just one worker at the bar where you can order coffee and stuff. God, that's a great feeling. Silence, no stress, and just me and my thoughts. I order a coffee, and while waiting, I choose what to eat. Since I am not too hungry because of the breakfast Lando made, it is not much. I walk upstairs to have a better view and sit down at a table. Everything is empty here, too. I post a story of my food because I rarely post and gotta keep my followers entertained somehow. I drink the coffee and eat a bit of my food while scrolling a bit on social media.

Suddenly, I feel hands covering my eyes. I got a mini heart attack when feeling the cold skin in my face.
"Lando?" I ask while laughing.
"You wish" the mysterious person says with a deep voice. I start panicking, wanting to escape these hands and turn around. The man, I guess because of the voice, puts one of his hands on my mouth and walks around the chair, so he is looking into my face. He wears a facemask, just like in corona times and a cap, dragged deep into his face.
What the hell does he want. Lando, where are you. Oscar, Lando, anyone, please. Fuck.
His hand still holding my mouth shut, with the other one he is stroking my face. I get goosebumps at him touching me like that. Disgusting. He moves his free hand around my upper body.
"Kayla, you're beautiful. Do you know that?" I can't do anything else than staring into the distance, not daring to look at him.
"Look at me" Shit. I do so with fear in my eyes.
"I think you know why I am here" His hand still touched me in places I definitely don't want him to.
"Do you?" he asks again.
"I nod my head slowly" My breathing starts to get faster and heavier. It feels like there is no air left for me at all. My lungs ached of the empty feeling.
"Consider this as a final warning" he pushes me off the chair and leaves fast.

I try to get up, shaking because of what just happened. I didn't realize that I started crying. I want to get up so desperately, but my hands and legs are glued to the floor. I can't do anything about it. I have to get up. I start panicking even more. I have to get out of here. What if he comes back? I try getting up so hard my muscles start to ache and give up under me, but the panic is worse. When I slowly start to get up, I gasp for air because this requires every last bit of energy I have left in my body. My vision is foggy, and I feel like the floor under me is disappearing, and I am falling. I try to use the wall on my side to help me while dragging one foot after another over the floor. Looking at the walls, they look like they're moving towards me, falling. At this point, my vision and breathing feel horrible, and voices in my head are screaming and screeching. My breath quickens, tears are running down my face endlessly, my limbs feel like every bone in them is breaking. I can't control anything anymore. And then, my body gives out completely, I fall against the wall. Crying, choking, and shaking. I try getting up again and again. I clench my teeth and search for something to hold onto. A chair, I try to grab it but I can't reach it. It's too far away. I am begging the world to stop spinning. My hoodie is wet because of my sweat and tears. I am trembling and crying. Desperately trying to breathe and cease the coughing. I close my eyes tightly, hoping this will end soon, knowing it won't.

I have no experience with panic attacks or anything similar. If you do or know how these feel, please feel free to correct me. I would appreciate it and am sorry if something isn't correct.

Have fun

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