saving you

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it was late at night extremely dark the club was way to suffocating I could feel so much hands attempting too touch me I had too get out of here, I had tried to find my best freind hanni since she was the reason I came here even though I told her I wanted to study, but she said I appr need a break from studying, the only reason she came here anyways was because of minji her girlfreind.

I had began too walk towards the exit way as I had saw it I had a really weird feeling inside me like someone was following me I began to walk faster towards the door I had budged a few people so I could open the door I had pushed the door open all of a sudden I had felt someone pin my back against the wall I had felt there alcoholic breath coming from there mouth just inches away from my mouth "you seem lost there cutie, do you need someone help finding your way home?" The old man had said with a raspy unstable voice,

I froze at the moment I had looked up to see a 30yr old looking man with nothing but a desirable look on his face I had attempted to keep my cool "no can you please move so I can get home now." I had said trying to hide how scared I was "hah it don't really work like that cutie I just want something from you" he had said while grabbing my waist aggressively "p-please stop I really have to go." I had said trying to remain as calm as possible until he had kissed me while attempting too go under my skirt I pushed him away but he had just came back to me with grabbing my waist with more force then before "GET TF OF ME DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU PEDO." I had began screaming until he had grabbed my waist as hard as he could he had began to go under my skirt I couldn't help but let out some tears I had began to close my eyes as I was petrified of what was going to happen too me

Suddenly I had heard the perverted man scream "GET OF ME WHO T-TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" in a drunken voice I had began opening up my eyes while I had heard a cold but gentle voice say "hey are you alright there?" I had looked up to see a feline person with really sharp eyes and a sharp jawline there was no denying that she was hot but she had such a cold emotionless expression on her face. "Y-yeah I'm fine,thank you" I had managed to say "um it's okay, do you need a ride home?"she had said while running her fingers down her hair, " yes please that will be really appreciated." I had said it looked like she had stopped her self from trying to smile it was really cute so I couldn't help too chuckle,

all of a sudden I had felt a warm hand grabbing mine her hand was so soft although it had been freezing out side her hand was really warm I couldn't help but think what her hand could do too me.

I had felt her hand move away from mine too take of her jacket revealing her slim figure she had began to wrap the jacket around me it was so warm and cozy and it had a really nice scent of strawberys mixed with raspberry's but the end smell of It smelt like cigarettes and a bit of weed, I stared to think why it had smelt of that thinking she was a drug dealer I had been snapped back into reality as I had heard someone say too her "HEYY BOSS WHST DO YOU WANT US TO DO WITH THE GUY." She looked really annoyed when the women had said that "must you be so loud" she had said while putting her hand on her face while sighing "just dispose of him" she had said in a cold voice "yes boss" the women had said while bowing,

wait a minute 'boss?' Wait is she a mafia boss I tried to ignore my thoughts as I had walked towards the other side of the car it was a matte black mixed with some dark green Porsche, I could feel her behind me as she stopped me from opening the car door "no no let me open it for you princess." She had said while smirking god her smirk had done stuff to me and I don't even know why,

she had opened the door I had gotton into the car as she went too the other side and got into the car she had turned on the car and began Driving it. "Um.. where do you want me to drop you of too?" She had said in a bit of a shy voice it was cute I had chuckled while saying "you can drop me of to ******* apartment please." The car ride was fast but peaceful

she had been driving with one hand while running her fingers through her hair while saying "how come you were at that club you do know that's where most couples or pedos go, unless of course yout with someone?" I couldn't help but embarrassed of the reason why, I had said " oh no no I'm not in a relationship I had only gone since my freind hanni wanted me to get out of the apartment and away from studying for once but she took her girlfriend with her which kinda made me a full on third wheeler" "oh okay" she had said

it felt like a minute but the car ride had been over I had saw as the women had opened the door for me while putting her hand out like she want to help me get out of the car I smiled softly at her she had closed the door and softly grabbed my hand as she took me to the side walk to drop me off

"I would usaully want to drop you of too your apartment to make sure ur safe but I've got too do something really important so I'm sorry." I couldn't help but chuckle while sayin "no please don't be sorry thank you again for Saving me from that guy and dropping me of here it means a lot" I had said while bowing "there's no need to thank me"she had replied while trying to hide her emotions "anyways I've got too go now." She had began too walk of until i had said "W-WAIT I NEVER GOT UR NAME" she had slightly smiled while sayin "ITS HAERIN" Haerin that's a really nice name she had gotton into the car as she drive of.

I had gotton too my apartment and as soon as I opened the door my first view was an annoyed looking hanni "and were where you I was waiting with minji for you." I totally forgot too tel hanni I was getting a ride from Haerin. "I'm sorry I forgot too text you that I was getting a ride" all of a sudden I had saw as hanni rushed up to me and hugged me while saying "I was worried but I'm glad your okay" I had hugged her back until she stopped the hug while sayin "saur who'd you get a ride from" she had said while winking "o-oh don't worry was just this random girl I had met nothing really happened tho she just drove me home" I had said while hiding my blush I didn't really wanna tell hanni I almost got raped because I didn't want her to blame it on her self.

But I really wish I See Haerin again..

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