Stay away from me

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I had gotton out of bed realising hanni had sent me over 20 messages,
SHIT I COMPLETLY FORGOT HANNI WANTED TO GO OUT, I had quickly ran too the door as I had heard hanni knock on it multiples of times, I had opened the door and got greeted by a angry looking hanni "do you know how long I was waiting out here for" she had said while pouting, "I'm sorry hanni I forgot I was going out with you." I had said while putting my hand on my waist, "ugh whatever I told minji we were gonna come to her 10mins ago but I'll just ring her." Hanni had said while hiding her blush.

We had began too walk too the shop until hanni told me she had too make a quick stop at the graveyard too visit someone somewhere she insisted on going alone too the stop but I wanted too come with her since i didnt want her crying alone with no one there too comfort her.

We had gotton to the graveyard, hanni had began too walk towards the grave she had wanted too go on and I had followed her.

Once we had reached the grave she had wanted to go to, She slowly kneeled down and put the flowers she had bought on the grave she slowly began too stand back up

"Who was this person too you hanni?" I had asked in a soft voice trying not too trigger her emotions as she looked like she had wanted too cry "s-she was my best freind." Hanni had sighed, i slowly had wrapped my arms around her comforting her as i had saw her tears that she tried too hold back falling down, we had been in the same position for atleast 6mins i had waited for hanni to stop crying so we could go to the shop as i realised it was about too rain, "I'm here for you hanni okay." I had said as i had felt the rain slowly drop down at the same pace as Hannis tears. Hanni had let in a sniff as she had said "we can go now Dani.."in a broken voice "are you sure u don't need anytime alone hanni i can wait for you outside if you want." I had said softly "no it's okay it's better when someone's with me anyways but thanks Dani.." she had said in a soft voice showing too me that she really means it."

We had just left the graveyard and began too walk too the lunch n brunch

We were half way there and I just couldn't hold
Back my eagerness so I had too ask hanni how the girl had died "hey hanni" i had said in a soft voice "yeah Dani" she had replied "how did the girl die if you don't mind me asking." "Heh i would tell you but you'd end up hating someone I know you like." "No please tell me hanni i really wanna know because I've also seen Haerin near here putting flowers on her grave." I had said in a serious but soft tone. "Have u now?" Hanni had smirked out, "I'll tell you Dani on how she died..."


"W-what no." I had said trying too hide my emotions "h-Haerin wouldn't do something like that." I had said while clutching my fists "look I didn't want too tell you Dani but this is why I don't want you near her."Hanni had said while wrapping her arm around me "no i dont believe u why isn't Haerin in jail then." I had said in a firm voice trying to hide my anger " because she had begged me not too tell the cops. Look Dani believe me if you want but I'm not lying you can even ask minji and she'll come out with the same story because that's what happned, haerins a cold hearted person she plays with peoples feelings and is a druggie so it's best for u too just stay away from her." She had said in a firm tone too me.

"I-i." I had said but before I could finish of my sentence hanni had said "let's just go inside and maybe talk about something else okay and you can decide later if u want too keep talking to Haerin anymore." Hanni had said with a smile on her face. "No hanni i think I might just go home." I had said trying too hide my tears. Hanni had sighed "fine dani but please just try not too get close to Haerin." I had nodded my head while closing my eyes too stop tears from falling down my face.

I had took of my shoes as i entered the dorm room, i slowly tip toed too my room as i saw Haerin asleep on the coach tbh i just couldn't face her after what I heard I didn't feel safe and it angered me tbh i thought Haerin was good and idk i just thought she was different but finding out that she's killed someone and do drugs has made me look at her completely different from before,

i had went too my room and began too pack my things i couldn't live in the sme dorm as her, i had tried too he as i quite as possible while packing my things

I was finally done packing and I had began too zip up my suitcase, until I had flinched a lil after hearing a cold voice "where are u going Dani?" The feline woman had said while pouting i would usaully find it cute but it just pissed me off i couldn't stand her at this point "I'm going too stay somewhere else for some time." I had said while getting up n grabbing my suitcase, "but why, did I do something to upset u" she had said while stopping me from leaving the room "Haerin just move i don't even wanna look at u right now." I had said in a firm voice trying too hold back my tears, "no Dani please tell me what I've done I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable or upset you" she had said while running her fingers through her hair "Haerin just fucking move." I had said attempting too budge her away from the door " can you just tell me what I did" she had said trying too hold in her anger.

"OMDS JUST FUCKING KOVE HAERIN I FUCKING KNOW YOU KILLED HANNIS BEST FREIND SHE TOKD ME EVERYTHING" i took in a few deep breaths before saying. "I-i know your a fcking murder Haerin a druggie what did u end up getting in her pants or did u just kill her before u could do that." I had said in a firm voice feeling a bit guilty saying that, I had looked over at Haerin and she had looked traumatized her eyes filled with tears but only one tear had fallen down her eye she sniffeled as she said "you don't know anything what happned then neither does hanni or minji what you really think I'm that cold hearted too fucking murder someone u think I'm that type of a person?" i DIDNT no what too say as i saw her trembing in fear and anger. "Look Haerin Just Move i don't want too see you anymore or even talk too you tbh."i pushed her aside as i saw her legs where trembling and exited the door before taking one last look at her and I wish I didn't because she looked like she was about too have a full on mental break down

I had heard the door close i tried my best too keep my legs up but i failed I trembled too the ground rembering what had happened that night and how hanni had told Dani i killed mia.. now I know even tho I'm innocent and didn't touch Mia that Dani was gonna think the complete opposite heh i punched the ground as hard as i could letting out all my anger i had i punched it so many times that my knuckles had began too bleed endlessly

I shouldve known thst bitch hanni was gonna end up TELLIN Dani and Dani had every right too believe her since I do drugs and Hannis closer too her but I also come off as a cold hearted player which gives Dani all the evidence she needs for me too be called a murder.

I just DIDNT know what to do Danielle was the only girl I developed feelings for after Mia but I honestly wish I never even met or liked mia because she's going too be the downfall of my enitre life.

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