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i had heard my alarm ringing, i had began too get up as i had saw I had fell asleep on the floor tbh i don't even wanna go school anymore especially if I Danielle thinks I murdered someone I just can't be bothered with her ignoring me think I might just skip for a few days it's not like anyone's gonna acctually care.

"HEYA BOSS DONT U HAVE COLLAGE TODAY HOW COME UR HERE?" Yu Jin had shouted in a cheerful tone. "Just not gonna be going for a few days, have you seen yeji?" I had simply said trying too hide my emotions since that's what I've been doing my entire life CANT be showing any weakness now "um yeah I think she's in the base." Yu Jin had said while pointing too the base "ok thanks." I had simply said,

I had began too head over too the base until I had heard a cold tone "what are you doing here Haerin." The feline women had said "yeji I need somewhere too stay for a couple of days please- "no Haerin u CANT stay here I'm sorry it's not safe can you please just go back too ur collage dorm and go too collage." Yeji had said in a firm voice "please yeji its only for a few days." I had said with a few voice cracks "Haerin I'm sorry but u missing collage is already bad and ur only safe in that dorm do u want father too find you.. father came her yesterday yk Haerin it's not safe anymore over here and I don't wanna risk loosing you too him." Yeji had said while tears fell down her face. "B-but i thought father was dead." I had said in a soft voice "i thought so too hae i really did" yeji had said "look Haerin go back too ur dorm I'll have yunjin drop you off because it isn't safe here anymore."

I had gotton out of yunjins car and waited for her too go so I could go on a walk too clear all of my thoughts that were racing in mind all I could here was "ur a murder." "Ur fathers alive and he's coming for u." " ur father doesn't like you" "ur a disappointment." I had let out a scream as i had felt someone grab me and pull me in to the car I had tried to fight back but I was too weak too, once i was in the car I had felt the person shove smthin into my mouth making me swollow it heh the Deja VU that had gaven me made it worse, my head had started hurting I felt like i was in a dream i took a glance at the person and realised it was my FATHER

It had been a week since Haerin hadn't been in school " hey what do u think happned too her." Hanni had said "she probably ran away since she was scared we would tell people she killed a person and would lose all her fans" minji had said while rolling her eyes, they both had began too laugh "shut up." I had mumbled "sorry what did u say Dani." Minji had said "i said shut the fuck UP when Haerin was here u were way too scared to say this too her so why are u saying it now and hanni u used too like her but now ur over here making fun out of her ." I had said in a firm voice both of them were left speechless by me but it pissed me if I get Haerin had killed Someone but I still don't believe she did and I miss her I wanna know what's happned too her.

We had began to walk to class together

Minji and hanni were talking while I was just lost in my thoughts what happened too her where is she is she even safe god it was killin me all these quetions just kept coming to my head all I wanna know is what the hell happned too her what if im the reason she's not in school.

All of a sudden my face had lit up with happieness and relieve as i had heard someone say "sorry im late." OMG IT HAD BEEN HAERIN i had looked at Hanni and minji who had both looked scared wait what I had looked over at Haerin and she looked terrible she looked like she had gotton in too a fight or something no not even a fight can describe how bad she looked she had walked over too her desk where she had sat alone on she had bruises all over her arm that she attempted too cover up her front jean was semi ripped revealing a hint of a scrath mark her face had been spotlighting with a massive scratch mark near her eye, i couldn't help it so I had gotton up leaving minji and hanni and had grabbed haerins wrist not too hardly as i saw she had a cut mark there, and began too drag her too the medical room ignoring what the teacher was saying

"What are u doing marsh." Haerin had said in a cold tone wow it was the same tone she had towards other people she really has changed "w-were going too the medical room Haerin." I had said trying too hold back my tears she had pulled her hand away from my hand and said "look I don't need ur symthoy or help alright and like u said i don't deserve it anyways.." she had said she had began coming closer too me and tucked my hair behind my ear whispering in it saying in a cold and soft tone "since I'm a yk murder." I stepped back before taking a few breaths in "look I'm going now okay marsh." I had grabbed her wrist again not giving up and began PULLIN her too the medical room "omg Danielle just let go." She had said i know she wasted too pull of me but she knows It would end up hurting me

I had stopped and turn around before i had shouted "NO HAERIN LOOK AT THE FUCKIGG BBG STATE OF U Look im sorry for saying those things okay but at the end of the day I did fall INLOVE with u and I do care about u and u don't need to tell me wtf happned too u or where you've been but please let me fucking help you." I had said while my voice was trembling. Haerin was left speachlesss but she finally let me take her too the medical room

We had gotton the room and I had made her sit down on the bed i had shut and locked the door because I was gonna need her too take of her pants and shirt since IK she's got marks there aswell "t-take of ur shirt." I had said in a soft voice "what?" She had said while turning around trying too hide her blush "i know you've got Marks everyone Haerin and I need too heal them before they get infected meaning ur gonna have too take of ur shirt and pants.." i had said i only did this ky self because I knew how too heal marks and I didn't want no nurse seeing Haerin undressed, "f-Fine."

She had began too take her top of and oh my god she had marks everywhere not one part of her body didn't have a mark the was a huge cut slashed on too her abs and it wasn't a nice one it was a insanley horrible one she had began too unzip her pants and her legs were no better thet were exactly the same her leg mucked were unseen due TOK the marks covering them I had began too cry as i wanted too know what the hell had happened too her but I wanted to ask her after since these marks needed healing quickly

After I had healed all of her marks I had washed my hands as they were covered in some of the marks blood I had went over too the Haerin too sit on the bed with her until she had grabbed my wrist pulling me on too her lap she had wrapped both of her arms around my waist before sayin "look dani whatever u think I am I'm not okay i didnt kill mia." Before she could say anything else I place my finger on her lips indicating Her too shut up " look Haerin let's just forget about that right now its not important whats important is what the hell happened too u like please hae tell me."i had said with a soft voice, "Dani.." Haerin had said "please tell me hae" i had said while grabbing one of her hands of my waist and pulling it too my face.

After explaing everything
"And yeah I had escaped from my father and I had no where else too go so I just went collage since I couldn't let my sister see me like this since I didn't listen too her and I was expecting to be coming into class until I was told I had too since I need the education.." Haerin had said while taking a deep breath i had hugged Haerin and began too let out tears "it's all my fault... i shouldn't have said THST dtuff I'm sorry Haerin.." i had said ignoring the fact she was still a murder but she went through all of that because of me just made me feel like the shittest person too ever live ..

All of a sudden i had jolted up as i heard Hanni say "what the fucj are u doing dani with that murder aswell." Hanni had said with an angry voice..

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