I want you.

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18+ stuff will be included in this (smutt)⚠️🔞

"Soo are you still not gonna tell me why you wanted too stay in my dorm" Hanni had said while giving me a curious look "um it's just cause Haerin she slept on the sofa yesterday and let me sleep on the bed so I felt bad so I wanted her too sleep on the bed today and yeah." I had said while turning too away from Hannis face, "Dani you really need too work on your lying skills you know." Hanni had said while patting my shoulder, "now please tell me the truth if you tell me the truth I'll get you a carrot." Hanni had said while smiling "ugh fine but first let's find a place too sit down, and I also want my carrot ASWELL." I had said while giving hanni an annoyed look

Once we had sat down and I had gotton my carrot I had explained too hanni the entire thing that had happened in that detention with Haerin "w-wait ur telling me the kang haerin the one who's usaully too cold or rude kissed you." Hanni had said while in shock. "Yeah but like I technically kissed her first she just kissed me back." "WHAT WAIT WHAT, no way she actually kissed you back i don't think Haerin has ever kissed someone back before." "Well It's too embarrassing for me too see her now since I kissed her and then I pushed her away from me." I had said while regretting pushing her away from but I'm glad I did or else mr Rio would have seen me and Haerin have a full on make out session but just thinking about her lips on my filled me with all types of enjoyments"look Dani, I can tell your falling for her but i can also tell she actually likes you since she's never been like this with...anyone else... but please be careful of her okay." Hanni had said while letting out a sigh "ofc i will be careful of her dont worry Hanni."

I had a sudden flinch as I had felt someone grab my shoulders I had turned around realising it was Haerin she had swiftly made her way too my ear whispering with a deep voice "princess where did u run off to after dt I was waiting for you all night." She knew that it had an wet effect on me but my body was sent with shivers but not in a scary or uncomfortable way in a turning me on way god can she get anymore attractive, "um I think I should go."Hanni had said, "no it's okay Haerin will sit down either way." I had said while pulling Haerin on the seat next to mine,

"Anyways where's minji?." I had said trying too clear the tension between Hanni and Haerin "o-oh shes coming now." "Oh is she now." Haerin had said while rolling her eyes one thing I will never understand is why they both hate eachother so much.

"what the fuck is she doing sitting here." I flinched as I saw minji look like she was ready too kill Haerin. "Babe it's fine she's just sitting here, for Danielle anyways." Hanni had said trying too calm minji down. "Yeah 'babe' listen too you girlfriend I'm Not sitting here for you anyways so don't get happy."Haerin had said while smirking, "shut ur fucking mouth before I shut if for u." Minji had said while
Going up to Haerin. I could sense that Haerin was also getting angry, "hey minji please leave her she won't do anything." I had said trying too calm minji and Haerin down, I had felt Haerin stand up from The seat "getting angry now, what's wrong does kitty not like taking orders from anyone." Minji had said while chuckling.

"Look why don't you just listen too ur girlfreind and sit down." I had said trying to calm my self down as I felt Danielle's hand overlap mine calming me down, I had began too sit back in to my seat until I felt minji hold shoulder and make her way too my ear before I could push her of she had whispered "what's wrong murderer trying to calm yourself down, I wonder if your gonna kill Dani aswell yk."

I had looked over at minji too see she was chuckling after whispering something in haerins ear I had began to stand up since that little comment had seamed to make Haerin angry I looked over at Haerin oh my god I took a step back wishing I didn't I had saw as Haerin had gritted her teeth while she had clinched her hands into fists I looked at her eyes and god forbid me for doing that she looked like she was actually going to kill minji but I couldn't help but notice a little spark in her eye making her look like she wanted too cry a little, my thoughts had vanished as I saw Haerin punch minji in the face making minji fall to the ground from how powerful the punch was "MINJI." I had heard hanni cry as she ran towards minji, but although Haerin had made minji bleed from her mouth she did not look satisfied at all.

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