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It was dark when he woke up, the sky obscured by smoke clouds left by what he assumed was some sort of explosion, judging by the huge crater he was in. Why is he here? Who is he? He doesn't know, and it scares him. He looks down at himself, his skin is gray and he's wearing a red sweater. Is he a ghost? When did he die? Memories start flashing in his mind.

Eating potatoes in a ravine.

Sitting next to a brunette listening to music discs. Who is he? He feels important.

Building a cobblestone tower to assert dominance. Cobblestone, that's his favorite block.

Fighting alongside a group of people. What were they fighting for? They were fighting for freedom! They were fighting for L'Manberg! And they won. But how did they win?

Selling drugs. He was with a few other blurry figures. Who are they?

Laughing with a man in a beanie. This man also feels important. Who is he?

He smelled gunpowder and smoke. All he could see was darkness. He feels at peace. What happened? Is this how he died? He can't remember.

Listening to music discs. They are valuable to him.

Tommy. His name is Tommy...but that doesn't sound right. He isn't Tommy anymore. He doesn't remember much, but it seemed like Tommy was happy when he died...he was at peace. Tommy's life must have been bad, because when he tried to recall more of his memories, he felt angry and it hurt. Maybe he isn't meant to remember them. He isn't meant to be like Tommy. He isn't Tommy, he isn't angry and sad. He is...GhostInnit? No, that doesn't sound right. He is Phantommy. Yea, his name is Phantommy and he is happy, unlike Tommy.

He slowly gets up, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. He looks around and sees another ghost. He looks familiar. He approaches the figure, and holds his hand out to shake. "I'm Phantommy, who are you?" he asks.

"I'm Ghostbur." the figure replies, shaking Phantommy's hand. Both of their eyes flash with recognition at the same time. This is the man with the beanie. He feels a rush of memories come to him. This is his big brother, Wilbur. The one who practically raised him. The one who was always by his side. He smiled.


Phantommy and Ghostbur had been searching for a way out the crater for five minutes until they found a way out. They both stood, looking over the crater. This was L'Manberg, they remembered. Who would blow up L'Manberg? Whoever blew up L'Manberg must have been a bad guy. He must be locked up in prison or something. Phantommy and Ghostbur held each other's hands. They may be ghosts and they may only have a few memories, but they have each other. And that's all that matters.


Tubbo sighed as he looked at the crater that was once L'Manberg. Wilbur had blown up L'Manberg. Why? L'Manberg was their home. They just got it back and Wilbur just blew it up. He had set them up to fail. And to make matters worse, the explosion killed Tommy. Tommy, his other half, his best friend. Tommy, who helped found the nation. Tommy, who was passionate and stood by his brother no matter what. Tommy, who cherished his music discs, sharing his brother's love for music. Tommy, who gave up his beloved discs for L'Manberg. Tommy, who forgave Tubbo for fucking him over. Tommy, who he couldn't live without.

God, how is he going to live without Tommy? Tubbo screams to the sky. Why did this have to happen? They are just kids. It isn't fair!


A scream rips Phantommy and Ghostbur out of their thoughts. Phantommy whipped his head around and saw a figure on the other side of the crater.

"We should go help them! What if they're in trouble!" Ghostbur exclaimed.

Phantommy was hesitant. He didn't like meeting new people. But before he could say anything, Ghostbur grabbed his hand and started to run to the other side of the crater. They got to the other side and Phantommy hid behind Ghostbur. The mysterious figure was sat on the ground, now softly crying.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" Ghostbur hesitantly asked.

The boy lifted his head. He saw the two ghosts and his eyes widened.



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